ROAD Monthly Report (2020.07)

Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020

Business Application

  • Preparation for the ROAD auto repair shop in China is going smoothly and some functions are already available now. OBD users can enjoy free car wash, road rescue at this repair shop. We will start a small-scale test.

Activity operation

  • ROAD Chinese community activity

On July 3, ROAD official released a community activity-users forward ROAD monthly report (2020.06) to the Moments in WeChat, and we will send ROAD T-shirts to the top ten users with the most likes.

  • ROAD participated in 2020 Hangzhou International Blockchain Week

On July 5, the 2020 Hangzhou International Blockchain Week officially opened under the guidance of the Yuhang District Government of Hangzhou, and hosted by the Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City Management Committee and Babbitt. Representatives of the ROAD team discussed the problems and future trends of the blockchain industry leaders, Internet giants, innovative companies, investment institutions, academic institutions, and mainstream media covering industrial blockchains, DeFi, stablecoin, exchange, Web3.0, IPFS and Ethereum 2.0, etc.

  • ROAD quiz in WeChat group

On July 24, ROAD officially launched a project knowledge quiz for new members of the ROAD Chinese community. We hope new community members to learn more about the ROAD project and enjoy the community.

