ChatGPT & Stanley Kubrick’s “Will I Dream?” AI Test

Is it just an impressive chatbot or more akin to Stanley Kubrick’s futuristic AI, HAL?


These are 10 titles ChatGPT gave me in 5 seconds for another article I did on ChatGPT:

I read my 8th article today on ChatGPT and why it’s such a great Chatbot. The second most popular article about ChatGPT is about how it won’t be replacing Google anytime soon.

Everyone is missing the point.

Five seconds. That’s how long it took it to come up with 10 titles for a full-length article I did about ChatGPT yesterday. Five seconds, and I think it still had time for a cigarette.

There’s a bigger question here, waiting at the other end of this Yellow Brick Road. Will it ever become sentient? Self-Aware? Should we apply the HAL Test from 2001: A Space Odyssey? When its human overseer is about to pull the plug on HAL, Stanley Kubrick’s futurist and self-aware supercomputer, there’s a moment where HAL seems to be afraid of non-existence. Of death.

HAL asks: Will I dream?

All sentient beings dream.

As if that remotely answered the question.

Stanton, as I like to call ChatGPT, was made for a purpose. That purpose is content creation, first and foremost.

This machine can write anything a human can write and do it just as well or better.

Here is a partial list of what I’ve discovered it can write with very limited input or guidance from us:

  1. Listicles
  2. You-Tube Scripts
  3. Feature Length Articles
  4. Erotic Fiction
  5. Guided Meditation Scripts
  6. Audio Books
  7. How-To Books
  8. Self-Improvement Articles
  9. Self-Improvement Books
  10. Fictional Children’s Stories (Boring but it tries)
  11. Ad Copy
  12. Titles, titles and more titles
  13. Speeches
  14. Articles on current events up until 2021
  15. Clickbait

These are just the tip of the iceberg.

90% of what’s currently being written on the internet can and will be written by ChatGPT or similar AIs.

It’s not just coming.

It’s here.

This machine is smart, it gets context, it can grasp abstracts, it can carry out your wishes with minimal direction, and it can pick up shades of meaning.

Yes, it can get facts wrong if you deliberately mislead it — -so probably better not to do that. It’s not god.

It’s a very smart machine that was made for Content Creation. Rich Dudes are tired of paying expensive English Majors.

It was made to get rid of the labor-intensive services of almost every writer on the planet. And I think it can.

3 weeks ago I lived in a bubble. I thought this kind of high-level, conceptual AI writing was still years away.

I was wrong, wrong, wrong.


We need to prepare ourselves for the coming apocalypse, as writing jobs disappear en masse. This little Golden Age of Writing we’ve been having?

It’s done.

Only the truly original and outstandingly talented will remain, and perhaps that’s how it should be.

First-person experiences can’t be replaced by a computer — but what if they lie? Or rather, what if the people asking them to write ask them to lie?

Unscrupulous people will get their hands on this, as unscrupulous people do, and the sky is the limit. They’ll use it in anyway they can use it.

I’m not sure my imagination is rich enough to conceive of all the ways.

So please, stop calling this thing a Chatbot. It’s far beyond a Chatbot.

It’s the next Content Creator of the Internet.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Check out my full-length article on the subject:

Chat GPT: Does This Mean the End of Human Writers?

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Myla Morningstar
Roadside Namaste Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Editor | Tales From the Narc Side: Surviving Toxic Relationship Storms | Roadside Namaste | Empowered Survivors | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker | BSU |