Excessive Speeding: It’s Is Dangerous to Your Life

Kshamata Chavan
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2019
Photo by Shahzin Shajid on Unsplash

In today’s era, there are many intelligent people who belong to a good class and who owns particular vehicle. With hefty amount of energy and new vehicle, they feel tempting to ride their vehicle. However, this abundant energy makes them to drive with excessive speed that is speed beyond set limits and hence end up putting their own life in danger.

The number of deaths in road accidents according to World Health Organisation is still high with 1.35 million per year. Speeding is excessively done by young drivers’ more than old drivers.

By speeding your vehicle, you are not only risking your life but also life of the people around you. Driving speedily may find tempting for first but then you may face n number of consequences. These include:

Loss of control of vehicle- when speed is doubled, it leads to judgement error which can give no time to react for the driver and can lead to fatal moment.

Reduced effectiveness of safety equipment- when the driver increase the speed it can occur dysfunction of other equipments in the vehicle say for example air bags, and it can happen that when the driver need these equipment utmost but it may not worked.

Lack of break security- excess speed may lead to dysfunction of other parts and the most important is the breaks. It takes minimum 6 seconds for a vehicle to stop after break. But when the vehicle is over speeded, it can lead to break fail upon which the driver can lose control over his vehicle which can ram the vehicle on other.

Increased fuel consumption- increasing the speed limit of a vehicle can lead to increase in the use of fuel. The vehicle used 2X times more fuel when the driver drives beyond the given speed limit. However, it can be a cut off to driver’s pocket if fuel prices are excessively high according to countries.

Driving with excessive speed can really be harmful. Make sure that someone is waiting for you; someone is worrying for you so do not overspeed and drive responsibly.

