Make your Kid learn the Road Safety Rules

Kshamata Chavan
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2019
Photo by Michael LaRosa on Unsplash

We may follow the road safety rules while driving & while being on the road, but if we follow the road safety rules at our early stage, it may prevent us from any future road mishaps. Today’s kids are our future generation. And it’s the duty of every parent as well as teacher, to teach their kids about the road safety rules & regulations.

Children below the age of 14 are not very mature to understand the importance of safety. So, the parents and teachers should let them know what it is. There are many ways to educate our children so that they’d be interested. Drawing, charts, videos, pictures, dramas etc. can make them learn things rapidly.

The schools can make different songs and dramas related to road safety; create charts & pictures of the same. They can make the students aware about the traffic colours and what each colour signifies, how to cross the road, what is zebra crossing and many more.

The parents can try teaching by themselves. Taking your kids out for a walk and showing them the things, in reality, is the best way of teaching they can do. Show them different road safety signs, Traffic signals- Red means “STOP”, Yellow means “SLOW DOWN”, and Green means “GO”. Show them how to cross the road using the zebra crossing, how to walk on the footpath-subways-over bridge, what to do before crossing, which side of the road is safe to walk. etc and many more.

Photo by Anastasiya Pavlova on Unsplash

Along with these, here are the 8 road safety rules that every child must know:

1. Describe the road signs- make them understand the importance of each road sign.

2. Rules while riding the bicycle- Teach your child about riding the bicycle, that it should be on the right side and it is only meant for two and not more.

3. Never Jump on Road- Teach your child to be careful while crossing the road and not to jump on the road when vehicles are running.

4. Cross with Prudence- Teach your kid to cross the road carefully, by looking on both the sides of the road.

5. Do not play on the road- Teach your children not to play on the road.

6. Be sharp while walking- Teach your kid to be alert while walking, be audible to horns and make use of footpath, subways and over bridges.

7. Be safe while travelling- Teach your kid not take out his head or hand from the window when travelling from bus or car, hold the supports in bus or train, get in and get off from the vehicle properly.

8. Wear helmet/seatbelt- Make your kid a habit of wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle and seatbelt while travelling in the vehicle.

Photo by Francesco Tommasini on Unsplash

Stay Safe!!

