Kshamata Chavan
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2019
Photo by King's Church International on Unsplash

Road to Safety is a significant campaign practised by the several business authorities as their Corporate Social Responsibilities and by Indian Transport ministry to make citizens aware regarding Road Safety. Road safety is at hike among all the concerns shown by the Transport Ministry as it is affecting the sustainable development, opulence and growth of the country.

More than 150,000 people are killed each year in road accidents. As per 2017, 4.64 lakhs road accidents have been occurred mostly on National Highways in which 1.47 lakh people died. Hence, it is necessary to practice road safety campaigns as there is a need to inform people about road safety measures, rules, consequences for violating rules, and many more. Today, it has become necessary for government and level authorities to urge citizens to ensure their behaviour on the road as well as behind the wheel.

The road to safety campaigns, carried by certain organisations, colleges and several business authorities in India highlights the critical issues which are same for everyone.

These are as follows:

· Don’t Drink & Drive

· Wear Helmet and Seatbelt

· Do not Over speed

· Do not use Mobile Phone while driving

· Obey Traffic Rules & Signals

· Do not Drowse while driving

· Respect Pedestrians

Although, keeping the final motto behind the campaign plan of making people aware about traffic safety, everyone should respect others while driving or walking on the road and take care of their safety. The campaigns of road to safety bring up many programmes associated with the above mentioned issues. Also, they follow trends to promote their programmes like hash tags. It goes according to what they feel where they find their target audience. Along with it, the campaigns also promote the consequences and penalties applied by the government if the traffic laws are disobeyed. The campaigns also used workshops, educations shows which majorly focus on behaviour of driver on Bike, two-wheelers, four-wheelers and multi-wheelers and also of the pedestrians.

Road safety is one of the important issue and need to be observed by the citizens of all groups that is from children to senior citizens. And everyone must follow the traffic rules so that we can reduce the number of deaths and injuries due to road accidents.

