Safe Driving Tips in Dense Weather Conditions

Kshamata Chavan
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019

Practice makes a man ‘Perfect’, but ensuring safety along with the practice — keeps the man ‘Protected’.

Driving’ needs more and more practice, so you can drive any vehicle at any time regardless of the weather conditions. But securing safety at the top is always a necessity. Whenever a person drives, whether it be day or night, he should prioritize safety. However, utmost care is needed when driving with risky & dense weather conditions. Driving in monsoon or foggy weather can be a little tough, as it not only depends on the climate but also the road conditions.

Photo by chmyphotography on Unsplash

Fog & rain both can hinder your vision and can make it difficult, especially at night. Hence, here are certain tips & rules that you should keep in mind while driving in such weather conditions -

· Drive with a moderate speed: Driving too fast than your normal speed in such conditions can be dangerous. Hence, driving slow until the conditions get improved — is your only recommended option.

· Use low-beam lights: Use low beam lights instead of high bright light to get a clear view & to avoid unnecessary reflection.

· Keep your focus on Road: Stay focused on the road as well as on the mirrors to keep a tap on other vehicles.

· Minimise the volume or pause the music player: Minimise your distractions by pausing your music player & switching on the silent mode of your mobile phone.

· Roll down your window: Roll down your windows so that you can hear the horns.

· Avoid driving in extremely dense fog or heavy rain: Check the weather conditions before starting the drive & decide accordingly.

· Keep a tap on Road signs: Pay attention to the road signs & follow the same.

· Use Wipers for clarity: Use the wipers to reduce the moisture on the front glass & for greater visibility.

· Keep a safe distance: Keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road, so that it will be easy to respond to any obstacles.

· Use Indicator Lights: Use indicators so that your car will be visible to other vehicles.

Drive Responsibly!

