3.1 Release Notes

Brynja Mah
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

Hello, everyone!

This is the release notes for version 3.1 of Roam’s SHOWMAN signage management system. With the quiet release of 3.0 at the beginning of the year we started to address common issues and shortcomings in the 2.X branch of our software. The 3.0 branch is designed to be significantly faster, stronger, and have more options for some of the more complex installations our clients have been asking for.

What is the focus of 3.0 and what is new in 3.1?

3.0 took 18 months to complete and although it has hundreds of new features and fixes, we’re committed to feedback and constant updates. The new system is a ground-up rewrite of our management tools using the same core database systems powered by Google’s Firebase but with a totally new front end. This system shares much of the same code as the actual apps running on your screens. The new platform has a much, much better content editor allowing you to create and preview content on the fly.

3.1 had 125 different issues with at least 50% being direct customer feedback or automatically generated bug reports. The vast majority of items added with 3.1 are subtle ones like the ability to select single pages of a PDF, or adding more steps to the zoom tool.

The most noticeable are:

  • Media Library can explode PDFs
  • Content, Projects, and Collections are now able to be created from templates
  • Screens have different types
  • Content is better divided into 3 sections
  • Better reporting of bugs and issues to our development team
  • Library now has a global folder for common assets
  • Operations Section to start tracking tasks & equipment
  • iOffice integration more standardized
  • Door Plate systems easier to create

Migrating from the 2.x Branch:

With the release of 3.1 we will finalize the migration of all 2.x branch devices to the new system within the next 10 days. What does this mean for you? Nothing, we are managing all migration and updates. If you have a screen that is offline we will need to schedule a time to update it as the front-end application is new as well.

What’s next in 3.2 and 3.3?

3.2 focuses on integrations and our API:

  • making our API 100% public
  • Integrations with services like Zapier
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Sync with google sheets
  • Sharing Media Library Folders
  • Sharing of Projects
  • User Groups & Rights

3.3 focuses on more features for the editor and analytics services:

  • History of edits & revisions
  • Collaboration (Live)
  • Events systems improved
  • Screen Tracking
  • Dashboard Graphs

Give us feedback! We Listen!

3.1 has a significant amount of direct feedback from internal and external testers. In one case, 30 issues/comments were reported in a single day, and all of them were resolved by the end of the week. Let us know if something acts weird or doesn’t work as you thought it would. We take all of them very serious and will try to resolve the ASAP.

Future Release Notes:

We’re working on better transparency and keeping everyone informed. We’re going to constantly release updates/fixes but I hope to periodically update everyone as we go, and hope these release notes will improve. Stay tuned for more info!

-Dennis Smolek

Founder & CTO

