A digital writer’s journey (or a chronicle of note-taking problems and solutions)
Word processors, text editors, outliners… and still exploring
This is part of the collection of articles Antifragile Writing and Tools for Thought (PKMs) by Adolfo Ramírez Corona.
If this article was of your interest, you may like to check The Antifragile Writing Workshop on Maven where we explore ways to level up your note-taking systems; develop a personal writing workflow; make sense of disorder…
Once upon a time
Once upon a time, you needed to write something.
You have been looking for a good place to write down your ideas, notes, and discoveries, to keep track of your plans and projects, tasks, persons, readings, or any other kind of list.
There are plenty of very good apps for note-taking and writing. Depending on your taste or style, you can find a great variety of apps with good places to write.
But looking for a good app for note-taking isn’t the best approach. Let me explain to you why.
The importance of writing isn’t writing itself. The importance of writing is in its power to produce something to be read.