Laying Our Baby In The Ground

On the death of our good, good, good kitty just before the holidays

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Roaring Rivers


Photo by Monica Macomber on Unsplash

Roaring Rivers

Torrents, currents, and ripples by Christyl Rivers, PhD

Rivers that Roar

As mentioned in my last RR blog, our kitty, Mat Cat had to be euthanized. We lay him in the ground today beside a lovely glacial erratic in view of the Cascade range.

This felt most appropriate because he filled our hearts the way Mt. Tahoma fills every Cascade waterfall, river, and rivulet.

It was a beautiful day, but broken hearts feel that beauty in very strange, demolished ways. As expected, my husband and I felt a multiplicity of emotions. We cried. We hugged a lot, but were also angry and confused.

One thing we still can’t get past is coming home to the still and quiet. No cat to scold us for going out, no strange “Pet me!” “NO!” “don’t touch me! I’m howling at you.” No “I’ll purr, maybe… but no, I’m hungry!”

The stillness is roaring. His waving wand hangs by the fireplace. His toys. His brush. His Grocery Outlet bag (we call it his Gross out bag) is flat. All of his little cardboard trays, blankets, and towels are everywhere. His muddy paw prints smudge the window sill.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Roaring Rivers

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.