Minimum Viable Product (MVP) — Brilliant Success Stories

SEO Roars
Roars Technologies
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2021

Despite the kind of boost an MVP can give to any startup, it is yet to gain enough traction in the product development industry. The model upon which an MVP is built serves mostly as functional and viable tool for the entrepreneur. A model or rather prototype that they can use to conduct his initial market research, pitch their product/idea to a venture capitalist, or even go ahead and start introducing it into the market.

A minimum viable product, if put into full capacity, can work miracles for your startup. Here are some MVP success stories to give you an idea of what value this product of lean methodology can bring to your business.

MVP success stories

How could Dropbox make both of these happen without building an actual product? Development itself would have costed them lots of money and effort.

So, they went for an MVP . It was a simple video that explained the concept on which Dropbox was based. This 3-minute explainer video ( MVP ) created such a buzz that Dropbox saw an increase in sign up, right from 5000 to 75000, a whopping 1400%. The investors got the validation they needed in form of the market reaction, even before the product was developed or launched. Soon, after Dropbox caught the attention of then Apple CEO, Steve Jobs and they raised a huge sum of $250 million.

AirBnB Foursquare

Got an idea that needs an MVP . We can build one for you in as little as 30 days. To learn more, get in touch with us, .

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