2018 Goals 👋

Robert James Gabriel
Robert James Gabriels' Blog
2 min readDec 17, 2017

Writing this as for myself mostly and to improve my writing.
2017 has/had been a high and wild year for both good and bad points.

My first year out of college, new and old relationships, personal growth, discovering, growing a backbone in last few months of the year and regarding technical skill learning I improved a lot on the dev ops, frontend performance side of things and most notably in the PWA world.

So the goals for myself in 2018 are…

  1. Running the three half marathons.
  2. Moving to the states and travelling across the west coast.
  3. The organization the documentation for my current open source projects.
  4. Accepting more invites to do technical talks.
  5. Work more with the w3c.
  6. Finish all these certs I have half finished.
  7. No being as humble.
  8. Vegas.
  9. Road trip across the states.
  10. Get back into machine learning; I used to be heavily involved in the community and research papers.

I know I talk a lot about the states, but as my mother said in the last two weeks I have been home, you came back different this visit, and I have to agree, I'm no longer quite or humble (Well I still am, but not backing down when I know I’m right.)

Going to see a lot more of Ireland when a girlfriend visits Ireland at the end of the month which will be nice before I start on all these.

So let’s see what happens in 2018…

My twitter is here.
My Github is here.
My Website is here.

