Start your Own Service Business

“Which service should I do?”

I must have been asked this exact same question at least a thousand times over the last 25 years. In the James Home Services network, we developed the systems for seven different services businesses.

Our potential franchisees could choose which service best suited them and their family. This decision had to be made before they became a franchisee; it’s a very personal decision.

Robert James and James Home Services: Throughout the recruitment process, this key factor was heavily focused on. Most potential franchisees came into our program thinking they knew what service they wanted to provide. However, nearly 50% of them changed their selection once they really understood the ins and outs of each business.

This process also gave them the opportunity to gain clarification on exactly what they wanted from their business, and what they really wanted to do.

What Do You Think?

The first question for you to ask yourself, and your partner if you have one:

What service business can I see myself doing?

For some of you, this may be very clear. While others, not so much …

For example: If you love gardening and landscaping, do it with passion, and are good at it; running your own landscaping and gardening business may very well be your dream come true. You should chase that dream.

Robert James and James Home Services: If you are a crazy dog or cat person who spends as much time as possible hanging with your four-legged friends, or if as a child you spent hours dreaming in the pet shop, then use your passion in a pet business such as grooming and hydrobath, dog walking, or pet minding.

If you are a true clean freak who gets the buzz out of cleaning the house from top to bottom, then you are a very valuable member of society. There are countless people who would love to pay you to show the same “enthusiasm” to keep their homes clean.

Are you a computer nerd whom your friends call on to save their lost data or blue screen of death? You could be a true-blue handyman who can fix anything, anywhere, anytime, with the tools in the back of your ute. Maybe you’re the car detailing freak who spends every Saturday morning cleaning your car until it is cleaner than the day it was brand new.

I think you get where I’m going with this — do you have a natural talent and love for something that is considered a service?

I would recommend starting there. If you love doing it for fun, imagine how much more you will love it when other people reward you for your enthusiasm and give you money to do it for them.

The funny thing is that if I had taken my own advice, I never would have started cleaning cars in the first place.

Before I started my car cleaning business, I certainly was NOT one of those people; I DID NOT love cleaning cars. I was a horse trainer with young kids. My own car had always been very, very dirty.

The amount of hay, horse gear, and general rubbish I could gather in my car was scary. My family thought it was absolutely hilarious that I decided to start a car cleaning business. But I had good reason:

I started my original cleaning car service business because:

1. It was a service that I could see myself doing.

2. I believed other people would happily pay me to do it for them.

3. The business was congruent with my family goals.

Does your service of “choice” tick these 3 boxes for you?

Whether you have already decided on or you are still working out which service best suits you, I recommend you educate yourself on the opportunities in the market place this simple, 5-step process before making a final decision:

A Simple Business Plan — Don’t get carried away, just answer some simple questions:

1) What do you want to achieve out of your business?

2) How much do you need to earn to break-even?

3) What are your first-quarter income targets?

4) What are your 12-month income targets?

5) What about after that, long-term?

6) Who is going to work in the business?

7) List your practical strengths and weaknesses.

8) What are your short-term and long-term family goals?

Do Your Homework — Take a good look around, where do you see a need or want for a service?

1) Investigate what services are happening in the major franchise networks. Generally, they do their homework — if a service has a strong demand, then there will likely be a major network already doing it. I would recommend you make an internet enquiry and investigate any service that jumps out at you.

2) Investigate local businesses. Look in your mailbox for brochures or the local papers or webpages. If there is already a business running the service in your area, then there is a demand for it. It is better to have competition than no demand. For example, you want to clean pools, but your immediate area has a very small percentage of built-in pools. Can you widen your service area or consider a different service?

Get Your Hands Dirty

Get your hands dirty, go out and learn from franchisors trail days.

Simply put, have a serious go at the services you are considering.

1) Spend a couple of days mowing your friends’ lawns or cleaning their houses. You will certainly get a feel for what it is like to go into someone else’s home and provide them with that service.

2) Go through the “recruitment” process with a franchise system. Many service franchise systems give a “day in the field” with one of their operators. Take the day and learn what they are doing well, what they are not doing so well. Getting your hands dirty is a great way to help you decide if that service really is for you.

3)Approach a potential supplier of products. A chemical supplier for example if you are considering cleaning. They may have current clients that would be able to give you some work or even train you (for a price of course).

4) Use a service provider and chat with them about their business.

Which Service Will Best Help You Reach Your Goals?

Write down the lessons you’ve learned; the pros and cons.

1) Isthis a service that you can see yourself doing?

2) Do you believe other people would happily pay you to do the service?

3) Is this “service” business congruent with your personal goals and those of your family?

The Gold:

· Robert James and James Home Services: Even if you are set on one particular service, go through the steps with 2 different choices. You never know what the outcome will be, it might even change your mind.

· This process should clarify your own thinking. In favour or against your service choice.

· You will learn a lot about your industry very quickly.

· This education will become a part of the foundations that you build your business on.

Originally Posted:



Robert James Home Services |Best Selling Author
Robert James and James Home Services

Robert James and James Home Services: The James Family founded James Home Services, in 1993.