The 3 Key Traps to Avoid When Buying a Home Service Franchise

Do you need advice in selecting a home services franchise? Are you considering buying a home services franchise opportunity or starting your own home service business? What are the key questions you need to ask to avoid making the common mistakes?

With over 20 years experience as franchisor for Robert James and James Home Services, I have been involved indirectly and directly in the recruitment of over 2000 home service franchisees. I have seen all of the mistakes made by individuals in the recruitment process.I have also seen what it takes be be one of the many successful franchisees.

Here are the 3 most common mistakes made by potential franchisees investigating the home service industry. I’ll arm you with the questions you need to ask to make sure you don’t get caught unawares.

Mistake #1 Buying Service Franchise You Dislike ,Because You Think It Will Make The Most Money.

In the Robert James and James Home Services network we had 8 different service franchise opportunities to choose from. I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked Which services makes the most money?The answer is the one that suits you and your family needs the best.

If you hate mowing lawns ,it doesn’t get more inviting mowing 15 of them a day, if you do have a green thumb then don’t hedge your bets go for it as a pro garden guy.

If you hate dogs, no matter how much cash is in dog grooming you will not have much fun in your business washing 25 dogs a day.

If you hate dogs you won’t make much cash washing dogs

The trap here is if the “Franchise Sales Person” sells you ,what he wants to sell ,instead of the business that suits you personally long term. If you hear things like

Listen for the personal agenda from the person selling you the business. There can be a list of reasons that they want to push you towards that particle franchise


Ask Sales Person: Why do he/she think this services will suit me? How will this business help me achieve our families goals?

Ask Self: Can you enthusiastically deliver this home service to a professional level?

Pick a service that suits you long term, do your own investigations about the demand.

Mistake #2 Neglecting to make enquiries of “Current Franchisee” if they are happy with the support offered by the Master Franchisor or Franchisor.

Support, support, support and more support is what you will be promised from all of home service franchise systems. The true acid test of the “support promise” is what the franchisees in their network say. Ask them directly.

Will you get the support you need to deliver the service required?

Many franchise systems have master franchisees in place . A master franchisee buys the area then sells of franchises to make money. These masters usually have no experience in the industry or franchising. They have a history as real estate agents, fish farmers, ex military or bankers.

Questions #2 “.

Ask Salesperson: Who is my support person? What experience do they have in running the business I’m investing in?

Can I speak to all franchisees that have been in the network , including the franchisees who have failed?

How many franchisees left the system in the last 2 years?Please supply contact details?

Ask Self. Can this support person add value to the fees I’m paying them ?

If you aren’t 100% happy with the answers, you could be better off as an independent.

Stay well clear of inexperience master franchisees and franchisors.

Do you need advice in selecting a home services franchise? Are you considering buying a home services franchise opportunity or starting your own home service business? What are the key questions you need to ask to avoid making the common mistakes?

With over 20 years experience as franchisor for Robert James and James Home Services, I have been involved indirectly and directly in the recruitment of over 2000 home service franchisees. I have seen all of the mistakes made by individuals in the recruitment process.I have also seen what it takes be be one of the many successful franchisees.

Here are the 3 most common mistakes made by potential franchisees investigating the home service industry. I’ll arm you with the questions you need to ask to make sure you don’t get caught unawares.

Mistake #1 Buying Service Franchise You Dislike ,Because You Think It Will Make The Most Money.

In the Robert James and James Home Services network we had 8 different service franchise opportunities to choose from. I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked Which services makes the most money?The answer is the one that suits you and your family needs the best.

If you hate mowing lawns ,it doesn’t get more inviting mowing 15 of them a day, if you do have a green thumb then don’t hedge your bets go for it as a pro garden guy.

If you hate dogs, no matter how much cash is in dog grooming you will not have much fun in your business washing 25 dogs a day.

If you hate dogs you won’t make much cash washing dogs

The trap here is if the “Franchise Sales Person” sells you ,what he wants to sell ,instead of the business that suits you personally long term. If you hear things like

Listen for the personal agenda from the person selling you the business. There can be a list of reasons that they want to push you towards that particle franchise


Ask Sales Person: Why do he/she think this services will suit me? How will this business help me achieve our families goals?

Ask Self: Can you enthusiastically deliver this home service to a professional level?

Pick a service that suits you long term, do your own investigations about the demand.

Mistake #2 Neglecting to make enquiries of “Current Franchisee” if they are happy with the support offered by the Master Franchisor or Franchisor.

Support, support, support and more support is what you will be promised from all of home service franchise systems. The true acid test of the “support promise” is what the franchisees in their network say. Ask them directly.

Will you get the support you need to deliver the service required?

Many franchise systems have master franchisees in place . A master franchisee buys the area then sells of franchises to make money. These masters usually have no experience in the industry or franchising. They have a history as real estate agents, fish farmers, ex military or bankers.

Questions #2 “.

Ask Salesperson: Who is my support person? What experience do they have in running the business I’m investing in?

Can I speak to all franchisees that have been in the network , including the franchisees who have failed?

How many franchisees left the system in the last 2 years?Please supply contact details?

Ask Self. Can this support person add value to the fees I’m paying them ?

If you aren’t 100% happy with the answers, you could be better off as an independent.

Stay well clear of inexperience master franchisees and franchisors.

Mistake #3 When You buy a Franchise You Think You are Buying Yourself a Job.

This is the most frequent trap for inexperienced franchisees. If you have been an employee for your life and think this is just a job you can’t be sacked from, DON”T DO IT!

When you invest in a franchise you are an independent business owner.

You are not an employee. If you want a job, then get a job. Legally in Australia it is easier to terminate a franchisee breaching his franchise agreement than to sack an underperformed employee.

Beware the systems that sell on income guarantees. These guarantees are a sales tool first and foremost . They play on the understandable fears of the new franchisee . Remember that you are buying the proven systems of the franchise network.

Take time to learn and understand the systems of the network you planning to invest in. If there are no documented systems, leave it well alone. Don’t buy any business because of a guarantee said Robert James and James Home Services, all of these documents are “conditional”.

The”Key Questions #3 “.

Ask Salesperson: Do I get a income guarantee? If you get offered a guarantee, vital to ask “How many franchisees didn’t get paid under this guarantee ?

Please supply all these franchisees contact details?

Please supply the manuals of the documented systems that I will be expected to follow to collect the income guarantee?

Ask Self: Are you really just buying a job? Do you understand the differences between being self employed and an employee? Are you ready to be your own boss?

As a Franchisee you are an independent business owner, the franchise systems are the tools you use to fast track your business.

If the systems are valid, the income will come.

You do have to use those systems of course.

Becoming your own boss is a very rewarding experience. Embrace that independence wholeheartedly.

Originally Posted:-



Robert James Home Services |Best Selling Author
Robert James and James Home Services

Robert James and James Home Services: The James Family founded James Home Services, in 1993.