The 9 Secrets to an Extraordinary Service Business

Design Your Brand

This is where a franchisee network has a head start on the independent operator. The franchisor already has a brand and that brand should be well-known with credibility in the marketplace. But you can easily design your own “Local Professional Brand.” With the use of the internet you have access to graphic artists and designers around the world who can help make your idea into your own professional brand.

You can build your own “professional brand.

Market Your Business Every Day

Marketing your business every day is just as much about the attitude as it is about the actions. It is about creating a habit of planting the marketing seed today to harvest the return in the future. Constant marketing activity will return a constant return in the long run. The key is to make this the most important step for today and the return will be there in the future.

How to market daily can take on many forms. We will take on both new age internet marketing to “old school” marketing. The rules to successful marketing haven’t changed, just the medium we use to deliver it.

The “how to” market is now more easily available to the average family home-based business.

Get the First Job

There is no point in having a great looking brand and constant marketing if you don’t have the quoting and sales process to convert the first enquiry. There is a definite process to get a high conversion rate with quoting on any services said Robert James and James Home Services.

These quoting and sales processes will give you a 91% conversion rate in your face-to-face quotes. These systems have been successful in more than 8 different service business models. It is a matter of adopting the processes to your services, but the rules of presenting a successful quote will guarantee you get that vital “First Job.”

If you don’t convert the initial quote, you can’t get the long-term ongoing business.

The ONLY way to build a regular client base is to “Get the First Job.”

Always Deliver on Your Promises

If you promise something, then you should deliver it — always. This may sound rather simple, but many businesses make promises yet, they don’t deliver.

If you promise “prompt, professional, and friendly services” you must deliver. Get to your client fast, be professional (on all levels), and be friendly. You will be stunned by how quickly your business will grow if you simply do what you say you will do said Robert James and James Home Services.

Turning up when you say you will gives you a huge advantage over 90% of the service providers in the market. Most services providers simply don’t show up when they say they will.

Turning up and delivering on your promises goes a long way towards being successful.

Organise Your Business

This is the area where many good service businesses don’t pay enough attention. You could be the greatest home cleaner, gardener, pet groomer, carpet cleaner, or computer programmer; but if you are so disorganised that you don’t send invoices, pay your taxes, or do your follow-up marketing, your business will not get off the ground.

Area’s concerning administration may be better off outsourced; doing so also requires some careful planning.

Follow-up with Your Clients

Build a long-term relationship with your clients. Following up with them shows your clients just how much you value the relationship. By proactively asking the question you will be able to deal with any problems or areas of concern your clients may have.

The follow-up contact will also give you the opportunity to offer regular or additional services they are not currently taking advantage of.

Continue to Deliver

It is one thing to turn up once and deliver on your promise. The real challenge is to always turn up and always deliver. Especially as you grow, and your business starts to take off, the pressure of success can test the systems that deliver your services.

If the client starts to feel neglected, or that your service standards have dropped, they will go looking elsewhere.

You will lose regular clients if they perceive indifference on your part.

Ask for The Referral

This is the fast track step that most service businesses simply do not do. If you are delivering the first 7 steps, asking for the referral will send your business into hyperdrive.

Repeat the Process

Robert James and James Home Services ability to repeat the process over and over again, with every client, is the sign of a true professional. It takes true commitment to repeat this process. Sticking to your systems and building true foundations with a long-term commitment will give you an extraordinary home service business.

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Robert James Home Services |Best Selling Author
Robert James and James Home Services

Robert James and James Home Services: The James Family founded James Home Services, in 1993.