Finding Austin

Robert Baldwin
4 min readJun 23, 2016

The drive through West Texas looked like the beginning of a horror movie. There were some cows, dilapidated churches, and what seemed to be the beginning of The Hills Have Eyes.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of beauty out there, but not a lot of people… until we hit the oasis of Austin.

Grindr Rating

Josh and I have this rating for each city. If you enter a city and your Grindr or Scruff blows up with new messages, it’s gets a high rating.

Austin was one of those cities. Maybe it was the university or the fact that the summer heat had everyone all hot and bothered. There were hunks a plenty.

The guys here were sweet, country, and very easy on the eyes. How you doin?

Expect to see hunky men in all sorts of shirtless outdoor activities.

The Food

The food here is refined and oh so tasty. From the local taco trucks to my favorite pick, Olamie, it was an incredible, delectable experience.

My favorite restaurant offers the epitome of charming Southern decadence. Olamaie rests inside a converted farmhouse cottage.

They sure as hell know how to make a Southern biscuit. So flaky and buttery. Yes please!

We were outside on the back patio. The warm summer breeze mingled with scents of cured meats, savory herbs, and fried delicacies.

I had the Mid-Atlantic Blackened Sea Bass (benne creame, pole beans, preserved scallops, and oyster mushrooms). I didn’t photograph Josh’s meal because a cowboy rode up on a steed and lasso’d him before he could order.

The Climate

Texas in June is hot and humid, but it’s bearable. Austin is filled with wonderful verdant parks and watering holes. Even if you get hot, you can swim in the many natural water formations that hug this city.

If you just want to enjoy the outdoors, scope out the locals at Zilker park under the shade of an ancient oak. There were so many people playing volleyball, frisbee, doing outdoor group workouts, and just hanging with their dogs.

All of these things are right within the downtown area. You can walk, bike, or take a short uber ride to most of it.

Below is Lady Bird Lake Trail. This thing goes on forever. It wraps around the lake and is dotted with old world architecture.

The Stay

Josh got an AirBnB at this amazing treehouse right downtown.

Here’s a view of my office for those few relaxing days.

The stone walkway opens to a private fountain courtyard.

Here is the main bedroom. The upstairs had two other beds and was nestled between long branches of winding oak trees.

Overall, this is a great place to visit and the local transplants rave about living here. It’s definitely a viable option for someone looking to start a new journey.

The culture is vibrant and the recent revitalization has only added to an already gorgeous locale.



Robert Baldwin

Writer 👨‍💻 Sorcerer 🔮 Coach 🌷 “I AM the manager.” 🏳️‍🌈 Husband. Dog Dad. 🏔Opinions = mine.