Smarter places: Herman Miller invests in Robin

Sam Dunn
Robin Powered


Two weeks ago, we announced Robin’s $7M Series A, led by FirstMark Capital. What we didn’t include at the time is the other investor in the round, one that I’m proud to be able to share today — iconic furniture company Herman Miller.

They are the folks that have been furnishing the places where people work for over 100 years.

Herman Miller today might not be the first name that comes to mind as a high tech company, but they are not strangers to it — they’ve been outfitting the offices of many of the top tech companies for years.

Laptops and mobile phones have changed the office. People are now free to move about, which means work is happening in places besides a meeting space or assigned desk. With so much movement and choice, Robin becomes an important ingredient for wrangling schedules and keeping track of what is working.

Work gets done outside of desks and conference rooms

What does a partnership with Herman Miller mean? Robin gets to be helpful earlier in the office design & planning process, which means a better experience and more thoughtful setup. Plus, we get to learn from decades of workplace design and thinking.

This is just the beginning and I’m excited for how the combined narrative will grow. But for now, we’ll continue building smarter places where better work gets done — we’ve just got a lot more help now.

