How Unique Employee Entertainment Can Increase Your Employees’ Engagement

Martina Buehler
Blog | Robin
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

Employees are an essential asset of your company — keeping them engaged is key for success

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

As employees, we might have been rewarded with employee events and/or gifts by our employers as an appreciation for our work and achievements that contributed to the company’s success. Most of us agree: While, we appreciate the gesture that definitely influences our employment relationship positively, the organized events and gifts often times entail basic cocktail or dinner parties, generic mass-produced gifts such as motivational mugs or company-branded items like umbrellas — not to say that umbrellas can be a great gift for people who have a tendency to lose them.

What’s wrong with such basic employee events and generic gifts? The thoughts behind them may be positive, but they are just not personal and tailored to the employees’ needs. As Adam McIsaac, CEO of Robin Concierge states:

“Far too many businesses do the bare minimum when it comes to entertainment. They simply host a forgettable cocktail reception with plastic name tags and a sparse bar in the corner. We’ve heard it time and time again — these events don’t really cut it for Millenials — who are often looking for memorable experiences.”

Doing the bare minimum when it comes to entertainment will most certainly decrease the employee engagement score which, according to the Conference Board in Canada, has been declining in some Canadian workspaces since 2010.

Make employee entertainment a priority! One way to increase your employees’ engagement this year is to take basic employee events and generic gifts and turn them into unique and unforgettable experiences for your employees!

The benefits of employee entertainment are countless. Here are a few:

  1. You give back! Your employees work hard to contribute to the company’s success and deserve to be rewarded for it. Organizing an outstanding employee event brings your employees together and fosters relationships between employees which has a positive influence on the workplace environment. It’s a loop! Positive workplace environment retains your employees, makes them more productive and therefore, directly influences your company’s result.
  2. Rewarding your employees’ work with a unique event experience boosts their productivity and identification with your company. Besides showing your employees that you value their work, it creates an unforgettable memory that is directly connected with the company’s brand. Having your employees become ambassadors for the company’s brand adds to your attraction as an employer and makes your employees happy, feel appreciated and taken seriously as an important asset for the company’s success.
  3. Employee events can also entail team-building activities. They can be food for inspiration, help build a good team spirit and motivate employees to collaborate well and fair with each other.

But how do you find options for such unforgettable and unique event experiences for your employees?

No problem! Robin — Your Concierge for Corporate Entertainment — offers a wide range of options for employee events as rewards or as team-building activities suitable for your needs and budget. Even better, Robin Concierge ensures that you get the best value for your investment by curating recommendations and/or comparing offerings. They also let you track and optimize your entertainment spend.

Robin Concierge offers event tickets, private dining, wine tastings, escape rooms, cooking classes and custom event experiences tailored to your and your employees’ needs!

Explore Robin and get inspired…

