Tactical Ticket Buying Tips

Dave Levin
Blog | Robin
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2019

Whether you’re an intern looking for a ticket to your favourite band, or a C-suite executive looking for a luxury suite to the Toronto Maple Leafs or New York Yankees, one of the most frustrating live event experiences is feeling like you’ve been price gouged.

We want to save you money, so here are 6 ways to save money buying tickets to your favourite event.

  1. Never buy as soon as the event sells out. You know that feeling you have as soon as you realize you missed out on a great experience? That’s the same feeling everyone else has. In reality, it’s not really “sold out,” and if you buy as soon as it sells out, you’re likely buying at the most expensive time.
  2. For MOST events, buy within 24 hours of the event. For businesses, this makes little sense, but for personal purchases, all Robin employees buy the day of the event. Why? Ticket buyers often make their purchases months before the event. Life happens (grandma’s birthday, forgotten anniversary, etc.) and people suddenly realize they can’t go. Tickets flood the market, and you can often find a great deal.
  3. The corollary to #2 is that you should value your flexibility. As life happens to you too, it might be worth a couple extra dollars to avoid locking yourself into an event months in advance.
  4. Hold backs a real thing. Hold backs? What are those? These are tickets ‘held back’ (get it?) for VIPs, radio giveaways, and people on guests lists. All of these tickets are seldom used, and in the week leading up to the event, they are often released for purchase. Remember what I said in #1 above: events are almost never sold out.
  5. For SOME events, buy early. There are three times to buy as soon as you can: when you have a large group going, when you’re buying for business reasons, or if the venue is way too small for the demand. For the latter, a stadium or arena is almost never too small.
  6. Ask us for advice. The above 5 rules are great guidelines, but if you want free advice as to whether you should buy now for a specific event or wait, just ask. We’re in business to help you entertain over the next 20 years and beyond, and making a quick sale where you feel gouged doesn’t make you want to work with us again. If you want to know the best time to buy for an event, we’ll give you an honest answer :)

Any questions? Feel free to email us at concierge@robin.live.

Happy ticket buying!
​Team Robin

