Exploring Exceptional Realism by Nezko

Roblox Developer Relations
Developer Baseplate
5 min readJul 26, 2019

Have you ever had the opportunity to observe, with your own eyes, magnificent Japanese architecture? The tall, wooden structures with tiled roofs and sliding doors do not fail to impress despite being an ancient style of construction. The extreme level of detail and complexity these buildings have makes designing them a severe challenge. Therefore, this week we have the great pleasure of introducing you to a leading Spanish developer who focuses on this exact kind of design and makes it come alive on the Roblox platform. Nezko not only amazes us, but also allows us to truly appreciate Japanese architecture through the exceptional realism implemented in his detailed designs.

Earlier, we had the opportunity to interview and ask him some questions about his developments in Roblox, this is how he answered:

Let’s begin by telling us a little about yourself

“Hi, I’m Nezko, I’ve been a Roblox player since the end of 2010 and I’ve been a builder for a relatively short time, so at the moment I do not have big projects. I’m still passionate about building and I aspire to improve myself in each new creation.”

When did you start to develop and what motivated you to do it?

“I would say it was in the year 2018 after seeing the incredible constructions of other users, especially one of my favorite builders YasuYoshida who, through his game and some of his builds, encouraged me to take construction more seriously in Roblox, it was at that moment that I wanted to be part of the community and to start sharing my creations. “

Tell us about your builds

“In my beginnings I made several builds, although they were only experiments given my little experience at that time, for a while now I have been mainly dedicated to creating everything related to Japanese culture, I will have made about five, they are a few but I really like to take my time and do a good job. “

Of all your projects, which is your favorite?

“So far my shrine since it is the construction that I have put the most time and dedication to, I still need some things to polish and finish.”

What was the process behind this construction?

“It is a shrine based on a real building so what I did was to take several images as a reference to start, followed up by making the basic structure to serve as a guide, and put in what is the skeleton itself. The next thing was to do the ceiling being what it took me the longest to create, then I had to make several meshes in Blender from the roof to the decorative elements and finally, I was building every remaining part of the sanctuary. “

How many days did you spend in this architecture, did it turn out to be a challenge?

“It took me about three weeks and of course it was a challenge, especially the roof so characteristic of the ancient architecture of Japan, it took me a lot of patience to figure out how to keep the roof properly aligned so that it looked good and was consistent, despite all this, in the end, I was quite satisfied with the result.

What inspires you to design and create the landscapes or builds that you share with the community?

“My inspiration will always be Japanese culture, trying to adapt that aesthetic to Roblox is what motivates me the most.”

Are you studying architecture or design? Tell us a little about how you create these designs.

“I do not know much about architecture now, I would rather be a kind of designer since my goal is to create well-set and immersive places, I like to transmit that sense of realism playing with lighting along with my constructions so that in the end everything complements each other. “

Have you participated in any Roblox event?

“I have not participated in any event, but I would like to do so at some point.”

How do you feel about the direction of the platform?

“Quite comfortable, with the latest changes that have been made to the lighting and other things that have been added, it has been great to see how the platform has evolved which encourages me to continue creating.”

Here are links to some of Nezko’s creations:




Huge thanks to Nezko for his time spent in this interview, it is really an honor to share his achievements and projects with the entire Roblox community. We hope you continue to surprise us with these incredible Japanese architectures and with every detail you put into them. If you want to know more about Nezko’s future projects, you can follow him on Twitter and the Roblox page.



Roblox Developer Relations
Developer Baseplate

Empowering Roblox developers and creators to bring their imagination to life.