Stopping studio crashes

James Onnen (Quenty)
Roblox Development
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2015


Why ROBLOX studio incessantly crashes for some users.

As you know, I like to complain a lot about ROBLOX studio crashing — and a lot of people agree with me. However, there are a few people — including ROBLOX’s own staff — that claim studio never crashes for them. This, to me, was confusing. Not anymore.

So it’s my pleasure to announce that I have finally discovered the cause of a majority of studio crashes that I have been experiencing. The cause happens to be a plugin, specifically, Crazyman32's Studio Time Tracker. This makes the above picture beautifully ironic because it’s a picture of Crazyman’s backyard with his own plane photoshopped into it, with his game’s name on it, with a studio crash icon produced by his own plugin.

Crazyman32 did not know his plugin caused crashes.

The why

What causes these crashes? Well, Crazyman32's plugin uses the plugin saving API to save how much time has been spent in studio every second. This behavior itself is OK, but it turns out saving this often makes ROBLOX crash, probably due to a read/write conflict. For those who don’t know, ROBLOX saves plugin saved data to a JSON file. Combined with several copies of this plugin running (think: ROBLOX studio in play test mode), and you get a deadly combination of studio crashing.

It crashed a lot.

For a majority of people, ROBLOX studio never crashed. However, for anyone who had a plugin that saved data to the often, it would.

How did I discover this? I was lucky enough to see in the output before ROBLOX studio crashed, that a plugin had a read/write error associated with it. With this thought in mind, I disabled Crazyman32's time tracking plugin, and studio has yet to crash yet for me, a week later.

Around a years worth of crashes has been resolved.

The fix

Crazyman32 is looking into making his plugin work without crashing, but this is really ROBLOX’s problem.

Crazyman32 is already hard at work fixing this issue via caching.

For now, disabling Crazyman32's plugin, and any other fast-saving plugins, will stop studio from crashing frequently.

This is Quenty,
signing off.

Edit: Crazyman32 has updated his plugin to prevent this issue.



James Onnen (Quenty)
Roblox Development

I’m a maker. Designing and creating new things with people is my hobby. Former intern @Microsoft, @Roblox, @Garmin. Roblox Toy. Raikes 2019.