The Places Wiki — Is it Dead?

Roblox Places
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2018

The Places Wiki is a place where you learn all the things about Places. But the wiki has not been updated in a while. There is a VERY few amount of Places 3 pages for this wiki, and mostly just Places 1/2 pages. So, is this wiki dead?

Well, the answer is stalemate. Why? Because, this contains a LITTLE of Places 3 pages, and Places 3 is the latest version of Places (at the time of writing this) but not many Places 3 pages.

So, how do I make it not dead?

You need to contribute to the wiki and add more pages about Places 3 to make the wiki not die.

Well, I am absolutely bored now so i’m going to end the blog post here.

