4 Ideas for Universes

2 min readFeb 28, 2014

Yesterday, ROBLOX released the anticipated Universe (or “game”) feature that allows you to link many places together under one lobby, or hub. There are a variety of ways to leverage this feature, which gives developers more power in creating better games for all of ROBLOX. Here is my list of 10 ways to use universes to get the most out of your development experience.

  1. Build an RPG.

An RPG might follow the journey of an epic hero, who needs to save the fair maiden. Get creative with your idea. You can even leverage the new 1 player servers to make the RPG single player only. You can link up each part of the world and all of the dungeons with Universes, which will keep the brick count smaller (and reduce lag!).

2. Make an interactive country group.

If you own a nation themed group, or are interested in starting one, the Universe feature might come in handy for you. Nation groups use in game currencies to pay for in game services, and if you have more than one city (or even want to link your cities with your military base, etc), a Universe is the way to go. With a little bit of scripting know-how, you can connect the currency from City A to City B, which will give the player a much more enjoyable experience.

3. Build a first person shooter.

Imagine a Call of Duty replica built on ROBLOX, with each mission as a place, and a place slot for multiplayer matches. This vision can become a reality by using the power of Universes to your advantage. A full scale CoD replica is possible if you're willing to put in the work.

4. Connect your clan bases together.

If you run a clan, you know how tricky it is to keep multiple bases active. For this reason, most clan leaders choose to keep one base functional. This no longer needs to be the case. Using the power of a Universe, you can link all of your bases together, with easy access to all of them in case of a raid. This idea could also extend to create a transportation system between all clan places, such as a rally center or training base.

There you have it! 4 great ideas to get you started on your journey to create the best place ever with the power of Universes! Thanks to /r/roblox for inspiring me to write this! I owe some of the credit for the clan idea to the Clans and Guilds subforum!




C&G’er. I ❤ clans and groups. I’ve been part of the C&G community for 4 years, so feel free to ask me about it.