Review: The Wild West

Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2019
The Wild West is Roblox’s premier outlaw experience.


Saddle up and pull out your peacekeeper! We’re going on an adventure in the wild west. The Wild West is being developed by Starboard Studios which includes the likes of tyridge77 and tamara_x, two former Roblox Accelerators. The Wild West is an open world western RPG.


Players can choose one of five paths. Justice, Robbery, Hunting, Mining, and Explore. Each one includes a whole new storyline and path for you to follow as you attempt to survive in the harsh but beautiful world of The Wild West. Once you select a path you select a town to spawn into.

For example, I chose the mining path. My first task was to go to the general store and to obtain a pickaxe to mine with. I then obtained the pickaxe and headed into the mine.

The game is simple and diverse. We’ll be sure to cover each different occupation more in detail but for now, we’ll do a rough outline of each one.

Justice: This path follows you becoming a sheriff and arresting outlaws. Beware the outlaws! They’re other players and are stronger than you.

Robbery: This path follows you robbing banks and trains. If this is something you’d like to do then I hope you brought along guts and guile. You should also expect to die. A LOT.

Hunting: It’s as simple as it sounds. You hunt animals. It’s also quite popular amongst players and equally as fun.

Mining: The mining career is a solid path that involves you mining various ores. It’s a bit tedious and has a high reward with little to no danger.

Explore: I haven’t played this path but I’d imagine it involves you exploring the deepest corners of the map. We should also mention that the whole map is not unlocked and and will be unlocked as the game progresses due to its early access status.

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Yee haw!

The Wild West is an amazing Roblox experience. With a beautifully designed map and with thoughtful game design this game never ceases to impress me upon each play through. This game is worth the 50 Robux price tag and so much more. If you have not played this game we implore you to try it out. We also will create a new series about the various paths you can complete in this game. We here at RobloxRadar wish the best to Starboard Studios and will continue to support them in their future endeavors.

Play the game here!

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