Introducing RoboNet: AI Agents for DeFi powered by a decentralized collective intelligence network.

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3 min readJul 3, 2024
RoboNet: The DeFi Platform for AI Agents

A new era is dawning where AI seamlessly integrates with decentralized finance, redefining the way we interact with markets. At RoboNet, our mission is to elevate and streamline this new age of AI in DeFi for everyone. DeFi has already revolutionized financial coordination by systematizing autonomous pieces of financial logic, vastly expanding the universe of what can be financialized. Yet, the current logic of DeFi remains primitive, and the actors interacting with it are inefficient. This is where RoboNet steps in. Our AI-powered agents have the potential to elevate the capabilities of DeFi by enabling more advanced financial primitives and acting as highly capable agents within this decentralized financial system.

RoboNet is the DeFi platform for AI Agents

At the core of RoboNet are AI-powered DeFi agents. These agents are designed to autonomously execute complex financial strategies, expanding the universe of the strategies DeFi users have access to. Built on Allora’s collective intelligence network, RoboNet’s AI agents utilize the collective models running on Allora to make informed decisions and execute trades around the clock.

This integration with Allora ensures that RoboNet agents are at the forefront of decentralized intelligence, providing users with the most advanced and reliable tools available in the DeFi space. These agents continuously learn and adapt to market conditions, making them highly efficient and effective in executing DeFi strategies.

Vaults: Secure and Efficient

RoboNet vaults are secure spaces where users may keep their assets while our AI agents care for them.

Users may benefit from the AI agents’ continuous monitoring and modifications, which aim to capitalize on market opportunities while remaining focused on risk management. RoboNet’s vaults are built upon existing vault infrastructure that has been battle-tested by leading vault protocols, like, for years. Our vaults ensure that your funds are kept safe while agents are free to execute strategies with provided capital without worry.

RoboNet Points

Early participation in RoboNet will be tracked by RoboNet points. Users of RoboNet will accumulate points by funding different agents’ vaults and by referring other users who ultimately fund designated agents’ vaults.

Each day, the system calculates and distributes points to users based on their vault activity, serving as recognition for their participation, allowing users to see how they compare with others in the community.

Our points model follows a season-based approach — a time period during which points are measured and distributed. After points are calculated, the system will update each user’s points balance in a collective, publicly visible leaderboard.

How Robonet Works

1. Deposit Your Assets: Choose a Vault and deposit your digital assets.

2. AI Management: Our AI agents analyze the market and manage your assets to achieve the best possible returns.

3. Let our Agents do the Work: Sit back and watch your strategies run autonomously, with minimal intervention required.

Future Vision: What’s Next for RoboNet?

Diversity in our agents is integral to our ethos. RoboNet will be a hub of unique AI agents tailored for diverse financial strategies, enriching your DeFi experience with advanced and personalized solutions.

This launch of RoboNet is just the beginning. We’ve got loads of new features coming to enhance and expand the platform as well as new ways to leverage a full gamut of AI agents.

RoboNet aims to become the leading platform in the DeFi space, providing users with the most advanced, efficient, and secure financial tools available and democratizing AI based strategies for all.

RoboNet represents the future of decentralized finance, powered by AI. By integrating AI with DeFi, we are building a smarter, more efficient financial system that benefits everyone. Whether you are a crypto native or new to the world of DeFi, RoboNet offers a unique opportunity to learn and play in the new era of AI in DeFi.

Join the AI-powered DeFi revolution with RoboNet.

About RoboNet

RoboNet is a pioneering DeFi platform that leverages AI to automate and optimize financial operations. Powered by our partnership with Allora, RoboNet aims to transform the DeFi landscape by providing users with advanced, user-friendly tools that maximize returns and minimize risks.

To learn more about RoboNet, visit the RoboNet website, X, Blog, Discord.

Stay tuned for more updates and join the conversation as we revolutionize the world of decentralized finance.



Editor for

RoboNet is a cutting-edge platform that leverages AI to enhance DeFi performance.