Our Results Chatbot Was Thrown In At The Deep End!

Yusuf Bayrak
RoboRobo Magazine
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2019

Both the customer and the users welcomed the introduction of our Rezultz Chatbot, an innovative solution in the field of sports-related chatbots.

The scoreboard chatbot developed for the Hungarian Canoe Federation debuted at the end of May at the ICF Canoe Sprint And Paracanoe World Cup held in Szeged.

Rezultz may not only provide information in Szeged but in the future in any event of the Federation.

The fundamental idea behind the chatbot can be transferred to competitions in many other sports as well.

But let’s take a closer look at why the national association of one of Hungary’s top sports saw the opportunities of Rezultz, and why they were also satisfied with its live operation!

Purpose Of Development

According to the customer’s intention, Rezultz provides a modern alternative, an innovative, multilingual solution in contrast to other previously known methods, such as loudspeakers, jumbotrons, web-based competition database, etc.

The chatbot allows the organizers to immediately inform the visitors at the venue of the results, competitors, the current program or any changes of that.

Using Rezultz, you can always get clear, transparent, easy-to-filter information in your own pre-configured language.

The chatbot works instead of the visitors, thus they do not even have to leave their spot, wherever they are, to find out about the races of their interest.

The user just needs to open the chatbot through Messenger, and later they will automatically receive notifications about the events they have selected.

The performance of Rezultz is optimized for mobile devices in terms of both data usage and user interface, ensuring convenient, practical and economical use.

From the developer side, the goal was clearly to create a user-friendly, easy-to-use result tracker application that can be used as a basis for introducing and promoting chatbots in a kind of an “unknown” area.

For users, Results offers the experience of freedom,

the kind of freedom that allows them to really enjoy the experience of cheering and entertainment at the venue instead of watching results monotonously.

How Rezultz Works

Rezultz –speaking both Hungarian and English– is free and needs nothing but internet and Facebook Messenger app.

We strived to meet the needs of users, which was dictated by the current IT world trends. While Rezultz is extremely rich in features, we do not bother users with unnecessary information,

rather we help them to get information through a clear, transparent interface and navigation.

Speaking of features: the bot provides the user with information through two types of interface: the Messenger chat interface, and a graphical user interface via a WebView window.

While the basic data of a competitor or event can be obtained through the former, the latter provides significantly more information about the competition stored in the system.

As a result, Rezultz communicates with the software of the Hungarian Canoe Federation and stores the incoming data in its own system.

The so-called race tracking function is a key part of the application. Using this, the user will automatically be notified of new information about selected races, such as, of course, the results and their possible modification, and the final of the race event.

A followed race event

How’s It In Practice?

Users can either enter the name of the competitor or event they are searching for — after addressing the bot in their Messenger application and choosing a language for the first time.

The bot also considers misspells and typos, and using the Levenshtein distance, most of the time it can correct them, making suggestions for clarification, so the user can choose the correct one.

Which athlete/race are you interested in?

After identifying the user’s request/question, the chatbot gives a response:

  1. about the current or following races of a specific competitor and offers to view the competitor’s rich, graphical data sheet in a WebView window;
  2. with the most important information about the requested event, such as the number of athletes, the time of the races, and if the race is already over, the results of the race, and of course the bot offers to open the graphical data sheet here as well.
Details of a requested race

When designing the graphics platform, we also considered the simplicity and ease of use.

With a content-focused interface including low-key design elements, users can easily view the details of a competitor, team or race of their interest.

From there, one can navigate to some of the items on the datasheet (names, tournaments, etc.) or by scrolling through the menu. They can also set up their own tournaments to track individual races and view them in a separate menu item.

Reception Of Rezultz

The positive reception of the chatbot has surpassed our expectations. Even the Hungarian Canoe Federation’s on-site marketing activities have foretold that

we have indeed developed a technology that needs to have place not only on the waterfront but also in many other sports, thanks to its innovation in results presentation and user experience.

The Federation’s supportive attitude opens the way for chatbots in an area that offers many undiscovered opportunities for developers.

A QR code to the bot on a poster of the tournament.

The satisfaction of the Federation may not be so surprising, as, during the development of Rezultz, we tried to make its future operation as efficient and simple as possible for the customer.

For example, the system is working from an existing database, so there is no need to bother with uploading data.

All in all, Rezultz is simple and fast, and it’s creating a new channel of communication between the sports lovers and the Hungarian Canoe Federation, which is particularly interesting for the users. Also, innovation shows a path for further chatbot development.

Try it out: http://m.me/rezultz

Disclaimer: this is a translated version of an article originally posted on our own botblog.hu, on July 16, 2018.



Yusuf Bayrak
RoboRobo Magazine

Crazy about technology, interested in digital businesses, huge chatbot fan!