Announcing the first robot-generated movie competition!

It is time for Netflix, Disney, Time Warner and others to start packing their bags…

Sander Gansen
2 min readMay 8, 2018
Is this the future of Hollywood?

In his book, Life 3.0, Max Tegmark tells a story of an AI that was made to learn how to make movies, Prometheus.

It took Prometheus three days to watch every movie ever made and start producing its first animation.

By the end of the month a dozen such animated series were uploaded to a new Netflix-clone.

After two months it had taken over Netflix, making $100 million a day, beginning to rival every studio in Hollywood.

For now, it is just a story!

Hollywood keeps on rocking the film industry with Netflix trying to disrupt it.

However, what happens when machines really start making movies?

Let’s find out!

Announcing the partnership between Robotex International, the biggest robotics festival on the planet, and PÖFF, the largest film festival in Northern Europe.

Together we will host the only competition in the world for robot-generated movies — RoboPÖFF!

The overall idea is to find ways for mixing culture and robotics to make both worlds more diverse.

At the same time, we want to experience all the creativity humans are able to come up with all the robots.

Since the AI is not capable of overthrowing Netflix just yet, then we will not set any restrictions on how this particular collaboration between humans and robots work.

Thus the general rule for the competition is to make a film where humans have used the helps of robots.

There are no limitations on the topic, while the film should be up to 5 minutes long.

The robot can be of any sorts, as long as it is autonomous — not remote controlled.

Anyone with the will to help robots learn how to take over Hollywood is welcome to join!

The winning projects will be screened at PÖFF and Robotex International, both happening in Tallinn throughout the period of 16.11–02.12.

Want to join? Sign up to our newsletter and be the first to know when we start the registration and other details.

Robotex International (November 30 — December 2) is our annual event and the Biggest Robotics Festival on the Planet. Thousands of engineers, executives, students and families come together to be inspired by industry leaders, build robots for various challenges and learn about the latest technology innovations.

Join us as attendee, partner or speaker, now!



Sander Gansen

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.