An Implementation and Overview of Lidar, Camera, and Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Delivery Robots

Dr. Alok Pratap
Robotics — A New World!
4 min readJan 17, 2023
Credit: Amazon Scout

Autonomous delivery robots are a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way goods are delivered. These robots are able to navigate sidewalks and other pedestrian areas, delivering packages and other items directly to customers without the need for human intervention. However, as with any new technology, there are a number of challenges that must be overcome before these robots can become fully integrated into our cities and towns. One of the most critical of these challenges is the issue of collision avoidance.

Collision avoidance is a crucial aspect of autonomous delivery robot technology, as these robots will be operating in close proximity to pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles. To ensure the safety of all road users, the robots must be equipped with a variety of sensors and other technologies that allow them to detect and avoid potential collisions. One of the most important of these technologies is lidar, which uses laser beams to map the environment and identify obstacles. Other sensors, such as cameras and radar, can also be used to help the robot detect and avoid collisions.

In addition to these sensors, autonomous delivery robots also require sophisticated algorithms and software to process the data they collect and make decisions about how to navigate the environment. These algorithms must be able to accurately identify and track other road users, predict their movements, and determine the best course of action to avoid collisions. This requires a deep understanding of the dynamics of pedestrian and vehicle behavior, as well as the ability to rapidly process and analyze large amounts of data.

Another important aspect of collision avoidance for autonomous delivery robots is the need to comply with local laws and regulations. In many cities, there are strict rules and guidelines in place for the operation of autonomous vehicles on sidewalks and other pedestrian areas. To ensure that these robots can operate safely and legally, they must be designed to comply with these regulations, which may include requirements for speed limits, traffic signals, and other safety features.

Despite the challenges involved in developing collision avoidance systems for autonomous delivery robots, significant progress is being made in this field. Companies and researchers are working to develop new technologies and algorithms that can improve the safety and efficiency of these robots. By leveraging advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, it is possible to create systems that can learn from experience and adapt to changing conditions in real time.

As autonomous delivery robots navigate sidewalks and other pedestrian areas, they will inevitably encounter crosswalks, also known as “zebra crossings”. It is important that these robots are able to safely cross these areas while respecting the rights of pedestrians.

One way that autonomous delivery robots can safely cross zebra crossings is by using lidar and camera sensors to detect and track pedestrians. Lidar can be used to create a 3D map of the environment, allowing the robot to detect the presence of pedestrians and other obstacles at a distance. Cameras, on the other hand, can provide the robot with a more detailed view of its surroundings, allowing it to better understand the actions and intentions of pedestrians.

When a robot approaches a zebra crossing, it should use its sensors to detect any pedestrians who are currently crossing or waiting to cross. If there are no pedestrians present, the robot can proceed to cross the zebra crossing at a safe speed. However, if there are pedestrians present, the robot should reduce its speed and wait for the pedestrians to finish crossing before proceeding.

Additionally, the robot should be programmed to recognize the zebra crossing markings and traffic signals and react accordingly. For instance, if the robot detects a red traffic signal, it should stop and wait for the signal to change before proceeding.

Furthermore, the robot should also be able to predict the pedestrian’s motion, so it can plan its trajectory accordingly. For instance, if a pedestrian is approaching the crossing, the robot should plan its trajectory in a way that it will not intersect with the pedestrian’s trajectory, allowing the pedestrian to cross safely.

To safely cross zebra crossings, autonomous delivery robots should use lidar and camera sensors to detect and track pedestrians, recognize the zebra crossing markings and traffic signals, and predict pedestrians’ motion to plan their trajectory accordingly. This will help the robot to navigate the crossing in a safe and respectful manner, ensuring the safety of both the robot and the pedestrians.

In conclusion, the development of autonomous delivery robots has the potential to revolutionize the way goods are delivered, but there are still many challenges that must be overcome before these robots can be fully integrated into our cities and towns. Collision avoidance is one of the most critical of these challenges and requires the development of sophisticated sensors, algorithms, and software. By working to overcome these challenges, we can create a future in which autonomous delivery robots can safely and efficiently navigate our sidewalks and other pedestrian areas, bringing goods directly to customers without the need for human intervention.

