Robotos Art Contest

Pablo Stanley
Humankind Industries
2 min readSep 28, 2021

Some basic beep boop info you need to read to participate in our “Draw a Roboto” competition! 🤖


Start: Tuesday, September 28th

End: Thursday, October 7th 11:59 EST.

Prize draw: Pablo Stanley will host a Twitter Space to reveal the winner of the competition on Friday, 8th of October

How to enter?

Super easy! First, check out the Competition Rules. Then, create a Roboto and share it in this Twitter thread to participate. All techniques are accepted, your creativity is the limit!


We know you can win one of these :)

1st Place: A beautiful Roboto Helmeto #9251+ Funny surprise + Merch

2nd Place: Funny surprise + Merch

3rth Place: Funny surprise + Merch

How do we pick winners?

Well, we’re looking for someone who can create the most creative and fun Robotos — skills help; however; we want originality and fun!

Our team will pick their favorites but our community opinion will matter as well!

So excited to see what you create! #WeLoveTheBotos



Pablo Stanley
Humankind Industries

Designer and cofounder at Musho, Folios, Lummi, Blush, bringing creative tools for everyone