Leonardo da Vinci Jr.

marial malik
Robots Taking over
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Robots are not just taking over our jobs and talents, but they are being experts in them as well.

“There’s no doubt that A.I. will play a transformative role in society in the future. In fact, it’s already doing it. In the last five years, artificial intelligence has come from perennial algorithms to become one of the most innovative technologies ever available.” (Castellano, 2018)

as we all know, A.I. is not something we should just forget about and let it rise as years pass because this is when we lose our powers and independency. They are not just taking our business jobs, they are also imitating our talents; they can paint now. “In the art field, artificial intelligence has undergone a deep learning process. Fed with thousands of online art databases, the technology now has the ability to recognize a wide range of art styles and movements. This allows it to develop and spew out its own works, ultimately creating new unconventional styles.” (Castellano, 2018)

after that being said, there’s nothing I can think of that still hasn’t been introduced to A.I. even in painting they have exceeded human expectations as they couldn’t find difference between an actual human painting compared to a machine painting. It was mentioned in Castellano’s blog when he spoke about Rutger’s University research saying: “In their experiment, researchers also compared the response of human subjects to the A.I.-generated art. The results showed that people could not distinguish between the art created by the algorithm and art generated by contemporary artists. To the researchers’ surprise, the public ranked the automated pieces higher than the images made by humans.” (Castellano, 2018)

It is really shocking how we can build such powerful machines that can simply do the job better than us. Why would we do such thing?




“woman looking at painting on wall inside well lit room” by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash

