NO NO To Robots

marial malik
Robots Taking over
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2018

There are billions of people in the world, there is no way we can all agree on one thing simply because we all think different in a way. In the business world people might think the uprising of robots is the best time consuming idea that will help them in so many ways, such as in their finances, accounting and they can even be a secretary for an office or a company.

Have they ever thought about all the jobs that they’re taking away from people to give their place up for a machine? “One of the next great challenges American workers are starting to face is the increasing automation of jobs that previously could be done by a living breathing human being.” (Jilani 1) Robots are already rising in a couple jobs for example, chefs, cleaners, traffic cop, bartender, hospital sanitizer, bellhop and camel jockey. We might not hear about them as much right now, but they are rising which is really scary for people that work in these fields, they go to work everyday not knowing if they will have that job for good.

Does anyone like being completely dependent on someone? It takes a lot of effort from us to have control over the whole world, we make our own decisions, we do our errands for ourselves because we simply know how to do everything the way we want it, but when robots rise, we will ask them to do all this stuff for us we will be completely dependent on them and eventually they will have power over us. Simply we have to limit their powers before they limit ours.

Attached is a short video talking about artificial intelligence uprising.

“Asimo robot doing handsign” by Franck V. on Unsplash

