Realistically speaking.

marial malik
Robots Taking over
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2018

Realistically speaking, robots already exist. They are out there in companies and workplaces working just like us. We have to understand and accept the fact that they now exist and no one can change that, by that being said, we have to limit their powers, knowing that they are out there is not a reason for us to give up and say “oh well it’s too late now” because it’s never too late.

Instead of arguing about them taking over why don’t we have an agreement to limit their powers and agree on what jobs they should be working at and what field they should be around? Why are we just complaining when we can simply balance their powers out so it won’t interfere with individual’s plans and future.

I believe that we should all vote for it, since they are already living with us we need to put some restrictions so it won’t go out of hand.

I also agree with some of the pro-robotics and anti-robotics groups as they both have really major points, but they are just taking it to the extreme. I agree with the pro-robotics about how they believe that robots are time consuming and will be really beneficial in a working place. I also agree with anti-robotics with the point of them fearing the full dependency of machines that will eventually cause laziness to us. They are also fearing losing their jobs and giving it up to machines who have no bills or family to stress about.

It’s not an easy decision to make, but it can be better if we all voted for their limits and decide ourselves where and to what limit should they be found. We all have to come together for this to happen and understand that no matter what we should always be the most powerful creatures on earth!

