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marial malik
Robots Taking over
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2018

Artificial intelligence is the type of topic you look at just to have more knowledge about what’s going to happen in the future. It scares workers the most, specially if it is rising in the business field, due to billions of human beings that work in this field. They are at a risk of losing their jobs to machines, which can be really challenging.

There are so many fields in business, but one of the fields that is highly at risk is financial analyst. As Quinn mentioned “Financial Analysts. Similar to junior lawyers, financial analysts is traditionally one of the high potential careers but in the business aspect. However, companies choose A.I. over human to trust especially when their money is at higher risk on human’s hands.” (Pham, 2018) I completely agree with this idea as it is more convenient to let a machine work with your money, human make mistakes all the time, machines don’t. who would pick a person to keep track of his money over a machine?

“Currently, not only technology companies are focusing on developing A.I. Other types of non- technology businesses started to use A.I. widely. Ping An, an insurance company is using lie detectors to ensure that their clients tell the truth about their income and repayment plan.” (Pham, 2018). Individual will be forced to tell the truth by getting a lie detector test, this sounds really weird to me because honesty should never be based on fear of something and that’s exactly what these machines are doing to us. We need to limit their powers before it gets too late.

It sucks to trust artificial intelligence over human beings knowing that we are the ones who created them. We have built something that we have no idea how beneficial it is to us yet. There are two possible outcomes, either we stay in power or they will exceed us and take our place. It’s all up to us on how involved we want them to be.


