YES YES To Robots!

marial malik
Robots Taking over
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

Robots were once known only for the manufacturing business but today they are very much part of many workplaces. The future is even more promising for this wonder of artificial intelligence.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, not everyone has the same opinion, specially about technology. Pro robotic world may believe that having advanced technology doesn’t mean we are dependent on it. Many people look at the negative side of an invention that can make everyone’s life so much easier and yes I’m talking about robotic world! When phones came out people were so excited about them, in fact they have became the most common technology being used nowadays, so why not give robots and advanced machines a chance?

If you really think about it, how cool is it to be living with robots, there are way more pros than cons when it come to them. “Robots are more precise than humans; they don’t tremble or shake as human hands. Robots have smaller and versatile moving parts which help them in performing tasks with more accuracy than humans” they are also stronger and faster than human which can benefit any type of business, having robots in workplaces is more affordable because of their cost. Robots are much cheaper than humans and their cost is now decreasing.

Knowing how simple a lot of tasks can be because of one invention that can change the world is something that is really exciting and we all should agree to it. Robots will help our world positively and will eventually raise our economy.

