Robots taking over the world

Hanna Kapoor
Robots/ Technology in the Future
2 min readFeb 20, 2019

Have you every thought about what the world will be like in 50 years? Or do you just live in the moment and go day by day? With our advancing technology, these are important questions to think about. This topic is important because we need to know which types of jobs robots are going to take over the fastest, to make sure I don’t choose those career paths. Robots have already taken over many things. For example, self checkout at grocery stores. More and more cashiers will lose their jobs because our technology is so advanced now that soon we won’t need people to work cash registers. Also, the ticket sellers at train stations and other places are all machines now, when that used to always be a human.

Why it’s important for people to be aware of this:

This topic is beneficial to everyone in college who is going to need a job soon because it’s good to be aware of this problem and what the future is going to be like with the new technology. It’s good for people to know what’s going on to make sure they don’t end up unemployed. We already know that technology is improving rapidly and more and more things are automatic. For example, electric cars. Soon all cars will be self driving. Therefore, some taxis and uber drivers might lose their jobs because humans will be able to just get in their cars and tell the car where to go and not have to drive it or do anything.

Useful skills to keep in mind:

A skill that would help someone prepare for this change, is just to keep up with technological advances and think ahead into the future as much as possible. If people do this, then they will be fine and able to find a good job.


Through my research, I hope to answer these questions. Are robots going to take over and if yes, how soon? What kinds of jobs are robots going to take over?

