We happy Announce Stake $WSPP Get $KAP!


Dear $WSPP holders on Binance Smart Chain, today we are super happy to be able to offer a new $WSPP Wolfipool’s

New Rule of Pools Tax :
a. Stake pay WSPP (0,1$)
b. Harvest pay WSPP (0,1$)

The $WSPP x $KAP Pool’s:
Stake $WSPP tokens, to earn $KAP tokens!
Total Tokens in USD Prize Kitten & Puppies($KAP) -+ 1000 USD
Distribution duration: 1.000.000 blocks, approx. 34 days
Start: April 6 nd, 2021.

What are Kitten & Puppies ($KAP) ?

Kittens & Puppies is an universe inspired by real life, where anyone can earn tokens through the playability and contribute the ecosystem of the pets. Players will be able to play, raise and reproduce their NFT pets.

KAP offers pets as a new concept to play and win easily without the player being committed to play long periods of time, but at the same time holding the player responsible for obtaining daily incomes, with the possibility of not being limited to the same daily income.

Contract $KAP : 0x1a4e3646baeda21276b34e408d4c6b75f6cc9a37

How to Saking :
a. go to Wolfible website
b. Search / Click Wolfipools
c. Click WSPP Binance
d. You must have 1 WolfiStone to Join This Pool’s , if you dont have own here.
e. Stake your $WSPP
f. Enjoy the Reward $KAP

Website :
a. Wolfible Pools here
b. Kittens & Puppies here
c. Kittens & Puppies White paper here
d. Telegram Kittens & Puppies

Create By Founder $WSPP/$GWSPP
Alfian B.Y
Join Us on Telegram Group



Wolf Safe Poor People Official
Wolf Safe Poor People Official

Published in Wolf Safe Poor People Official

In addition to being a utility token and providing trading liquidity and incentives, the WSPP token is designed to facilitate and encourage decentralized governance of the protocol. Thus, WSPP token holders can use it to bet their tokens to get their own WSPP Tokens or Else.

WolfSafePoorPeople Official
WolfSafePoorPeople Official

Written by WolfSafePoorPeople Official

WSPP is The first blockchain that allows and gives makes all holders rich and successful !! we help poor people !

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