
What do I do?

Rob Pickering
1 min readJan 27, 2020


I’m a greybeard software person who has worked in, and led several technology companies over a near 40 year professional career.

I now do a weird mix of direct hands on software hacking, non-exec strategy & advisory roles, and seed investing. Seems a bit odd, but I find these things complementary: keeping an up to date mental tech landscape, and using it to target transformational support for people who are building important things.

Projects that I get excited about address things like:

  • Digital inclusion: promoting wider participation in creating the technology we use, and spreading the benefits fairly throughout society.
  • Education: new outreach and educational models to build a diverse next generation of socially motivated technologists.
  • AI for good: figuring out how to use machine learning to produce social benefit at scale. Particularly in conversational AI.

See my current projects page for information on what I’m doing right now. If you’ve read this far and want to talk to me about a project you are involved in then please do contact me. I’m always happy to make time for folks working in interesting areas.



Rob Pickering

Software and organisation hacker. Interested in how inspired people leverage tech to make the world better.