From $0 to $10,000 in revenue off the back of Twitter

Rocco AI
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2017

I’m in the fortunate position to meet and hang out with early stage entrepreneurs regularly. Startups at this stage struggle immensely with getting their initial customers. There’s one tried-and-true method of going from $0 to $10,000 of revenue on a teeny tiny marketing budget — Twitter.

I leveraged that hell out of Twitter going through Techstars in 2014. In fact, so much that my mentors/investors were worried about what would happen if I got banned. Revenue quickly expanded into several marketing channels, but I don’t think I could have survived the early days if Twitter didn’t exist.

Here’s why Twitter is so critical for early stage startups:

  1. It’s a public social network where you can meet and connect with anyone.
  2. New startups are on equal footing with established brands. You can make yourself heard and be part of any conversation.
  3. You don’t have to pay Twitter any money to reach your audience.

Wanna learn how I went from $0 to $10K in revenue?

I’m working on a new early stage project and I need your support for Rocco.AI — an intelligent assistant that does your social media marketing.

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Rocco AI

Researching decentralized AI/ML 🦄 • Co-founder @Raven_Protocol • Investor @DeepVentures_ • Contributor @Forbes @Hackernoon • Advisor @animocabrands