The Default No

Rocco AI
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2016

Most startup founders are presented with a ton of opportunities. It’s tempting to say “yes” as it could lead to big things for the company.

  1. Yes to meetings with investors or corp dev.
  2. Yes to meetings with potential partners.
  3. Yes to coffee just to chat.
  4. Yes to PR opportunities, interviews, etc.

In theory, these opportunities sound like it could give your startup a huge boost. The reality is that it can be a distraction. The human brain typically is able to focus on one big thing at time. Paul Graham calls this the top idea in your mind. Saying “yes” to too many opportunities pulls your mind from focusing on the biggest challenge at hand.

Rocco implemented a decision making process we call The Default No. Our focus is on writing code, talking to users, and growth. If an opportunity doesn’t align with our focus, we ask politely to push back those conversations until we are ready.

The Default No maximizes efficiency on both parties as well. When you finally do meet, the conversation will be much more productive as you’re adequately prepared.

Stay hustling and grinding!
- Team Rocco

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