i quit, I QUIT!

Tricia Small
Rock Point Search
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2023


good bye, I quit, thank you — Rock Point Search logo

Is it too late, did I really just say it. Out loud. Denise could feel her body get cold. The room felt freezing and her hair was positively on end.

“Owww, I just said that didn’t I. Umm.”

One more swallow to fix the dry feeling spreading throughout her mouth. It’s real. I just quit.

“Are you ok, is this what you… are you sure?”

Jack is such a pretender. He doesn’t care if she’s okay. Her memory of their pharmacy encounter surfaced. How could he shoplift in front of her like that. Who takes a newspaper and walks out without paying. It’s a newspaper. She shifts in her seat and straightens up. This is overdue.

“Yes, I’m okay. This is…I quit. Yeah. I really enjoyed my time here. This place has taught me more than I ever expected. I’ll forever be grateful for this opportunity.”

“Well if there’s anything I can do to change your mind? We’ll always appreciate your time at Tolerbly.”

“So what’s next, I’m happy to work out the notice period. I know this is a surprise.”

“I’ll share the news with Liz and we can go from there. Thank you Denise.”

Jack stood from behind his desk as I got up to leave. Outside the HR office she exhaled a sigh of relief. Why does leaving for good feel like this? I’m well within my rights. Liz is



Tricia Small
Rock Point Search

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!