A Bright Spot In HR’s Day

Tricia Small
Rock Point Search
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2023

Every Monday during her break Maria goes to the office kitchen, opens the fridge and tosses the leftovers. She’s been with Myransons for 6 months and although she had her doubts about her decision she’s doing well with the challenge. The boys club has been overbearing. She was hired to fix the culture and so far she’s not been met with resistance. There are a few bad apples that she can see she’ll have to fire but she’s been down this road before. She’s confident in making it a great place to work.

“Hi Maria, how was your weekend?”

It’s Matt Danson, the VP. Funny how he’s here and she’s tossing out the old food. She’s the cleaner/HR/Admin/Office therapist/slash, slash, slash and he’s the VP. He’s highly paid and somewhat stressed but she can’t really tell. He’s always smiling.

“Oh my weekend was great Matt, you know, pretty quiet. How was yours?”

“Yeah, nice, spent time with the family, did some fishing.”

He has a huge smile on his face when he mentions fishing. She spent the weekend inside because she’s cooking to save for a down payment on a house. Thankfully, this job pays well so she’s on track to accomplish that by end of year. She reaches in to grab a half eaten yogurt.

“Did you catch anything good?”

She pulls her head out of the fridge and realizes Matt is walking down the hall with Sean. Which reminds her that she has to take the job brief for a new role from Sean in 20 minutes. She grabs the bin over and dumps the leftovers at a faster pace. She reaches into the crisper and tosses a bag of apples that have seen better days.

“Hi Maria?”

She turns to see Jessica Knowles from the Finance Department standing behind her. She’s a petite, 30 something year old. Very soft spoken and pregnant.

“Hi Jessica, how are you?”

“I’m good, I wanted to talk to you about something, do you think you’ll have some time this afternoon or tomorrow?”

“Sure, is everything ok?”

Jessica’s eyes well up and she says,

“Ummmm… it has to do with Gary and it’s sensitive so I don’t want to talk about this here.”

Her voice breaks, she clears her throat and continues, “Do you think you will have some time later?”

Maria walks the bin over to the side of the fridge and washes her hands. She goes over to Jessica and says, “We can talk now in my office, would you like that?”

“I have to meet with Olivia now but I can come right after?” She looks at the time on her phone, “Are you good around 3pm?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

As she walks to her office Maria hopes it’s not what she thinks. She will have to shift the job briefing with Sean.


“Hi Maria speaking”

“Hi Maria, it’s Samantha. I’m about to send over three profiles for the .NET position. I know culture and team fit were extremely important so I just wanted to call and let you know these three candidates have the personal drive and attitude to work on Abby’s team. They’ve all been doing pretty amazing side projects that show their aptitude for learning and keeping up with new tech. I’ll put all this in an email but I think you’ll find your guy or girl out of these three. Oh yeah, I found a female and she’s a rockstar. I called because I wanted to make sure you were still happy to receive profiles, I know it’s been 5 days since we discussed the role”

“You called at the right time. This is great news, are you kidding me. This is why you’re my best recruiter. I’m very excited to see their profiles.”


The new email notification popped up showing Samantha’s email.

“I have a meeting in 10 minutes so I’ll have to call you back but from what I’m seeing here, Abby’s going to be happy. You did it again! Thanks so much for your help.”

“My pleasure, I like working with you. You give me great feedback, you make interviews happen within reasonable timelines and I’m always clear about your hiring goals. Not to mention, every candidate I place with you seems to love working there. Listen, I’m very onboard with re-shaping the culture at Myransons!”

Maria breathes a sigh of relief. It’s been tough finding recruiters who get it. Samantha has been helping her execute her plans with the candidates she presents. So far, hiring has gotten much better. She turns things around so quickly. 5 days, 3 great profiles?!

“Hey Sam, I’ve got to run but I’ll get back to you.”

“Okie dokie! Bye.”

Maria looks up and sees Gary walking by. Back to the reality of HR. At least recruitment’s getting done.

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Tricia Small
Rock Point Search

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!