Rock and Roll Will Save Your Soul

Rock Soul Life
Rock Soul Therapy
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2015


by @RockSoulLife

“Time heals all wounds.”


It doesn’t matter what your particular situation might be, time in and of itself will only bring about a few more wrinkles and the urge to pee ever so frequently. It’s what you do with time that provides it with meaning, purpose and power. I choose to fill my time with an abundance of rock and roll.

We’ve all experienced the dire consequences of neglecting our most basic physiological needs. Fail to eat a meal for a day, go without sleep for two nights in a row, try and hold it in after one-too-many beers at the bar, etc…Game over, you loose. And yet, we rarely afford our emotional self and the driving force behind it (our soul) the same respect. We are content with accepting that shit happens and that you can’t help the way you feel. Although the former is a universally accepted truth, they way we feel is largely dictated by the current state of affairs in the soul department. Rock N’ Roll can and will change that.

I was not aware that my soul has needs, let alone that it needed saving. What happened ? Whose fault is it ? As much as we’d like to point the finger of blame at Justin Bieber, he is sadly not the culprit in this case. When it comes to matters of this nature, the burden of guilt lies squarely on our shoulders. We are the only ones with the responsibility and authority to feed or starve our souls to the brink of extinction. Like I pointed out on “The Soul Manifesto”, the soul is responsible for regulating and providing the energy that sustains our emotional being. Remember, energy can not be created or destroyed, only transformed. Rock music is the fuel that powers the soul in the process of transforming our emotions.

Rock N’ Roll is a bona-fide thief. It has stolen the best attributes from every musical genre that came before (Blues, Jazz, Country…) and after it (Metal, Hip Hop, Electronica…) and manages to gloriously re-package it in the richest and most powerful way. As such, it is ideally positioned to deliver anything that even the most demanding of souls might require. A concierge for the soul, one might wish to call it.

Jimmy Page / Jack White / The Edge — “It Might Get Loud” — Sony Pictures Classics

Don’t get me wrong, rock music has rightfully earned it’s place at the table through it’s own merit. Power is rock’s most significant contribution to the musical landscape. Bear with me as I underline the monumental significance of this assertion with the help of my good friend physics. Power is the measure of energy over time. The more energy you put in for a given period of time, the higher the power will be. In the practical world, power will dictate how much “work” can be effectively carried out in a certain amount of time. In the rock/soul relationship, the high power content of say Led Zeppelin or Soundgarden, will yield a substantial amount of soul work per listen. Before I get carried away making up more units of soul power, let’s just say that it would take a hell of a lot longer to rescue your soul from the depths of despair simply listening to Barry Manilow.

It is important to note that it’s not only about harnessing this power to overcome negative emotions through the all-conquering force of rock. It’s about balance, it’s about building a strong emotional foundation and above all, it’s about nurturing our sense of self through the simple joy of enjoying a kick-ass song.

Rock N’ Roll Will Save Your Soul…


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