7 Dark Side Effects of Entrepreneurship

Lunchbox Technologies
3 min readMar 12, 2019

My favorite question on Earth is, “when did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?” It’s absurd. Nobody wants to be an entrepreneur, at least after they discover what comes with it. But it’s not a choice. You either crave it, and need it, and would be smothered without it… or you live happily ever after. I’m, unfortunately, the former.

Don’t let the glitz and the glam of the relatively rare success stories fool you — let’s go full speed ahead into the side-effects of this supremely depressing rat race known as entrepreneurship.

1. Simplicity Doesn’t Exist

Suddenly, everything is a problem awaiting its solution. Guess where you come in? Ah yes, the obsessive finder of loopholes and fixes and dots to connect. Every what if must be explored. Eventually, you forget how to enjoy anything at face value. How fun!

2. Callousness

You’ve developed a thick skin in this game, because rejection and failure is a part of your road well traveled. But the scales may very well tip into asshole territory as you begin to straight-up dismiss ideas or criticisms from others. Check your ego, Asshole.

3. Depression

This is very dramatic and very real. Entrepreneurs usually experience a higher level of isolation than most others, which increases the risk of depression. Adding those long work hours only exacerbates. Misdiagnosing depression for stress is the dangerously sour cherry on top. Taking mental breaks is a very challenging, very much learned behavior for most entrepreneurs — take note of that.

4. Dysmorphia

Traditionally, dysmorphia refers to an obsession with one or more perceived physical flaws. In this context, I’m referring to your obsession with business success as a direct reflection of self-worth (I’m an entrepreneur, I’m allowed to make shit up. It’s called innovation). When your ideas are working and profitable, and your business is booming, your self-esteem is through the roof. But then, there’s the vice versa. Your self-worth is always in jeopardy. Yikes.

5. Anxiety

Cue Queen’s “Under Pressure” on repeat, forever. The pressure to make money, to propel your business, to provide for your family, to work harder, to find balance — as the list goes, anxiety grows. And without proper coping mechanisms, burnout is imminent.

6. Addiction

The safest one here, believe it or not, is your addiction to work. Because after that comes substance abuse. Entrepreneurs are passionate and obsessive. They don’t know when, or how to stop. This tends to spill over.

7. Relationships Suffer

You’re married to your work. Your number one priority is work. Your time, as you remind yourself every second of every day, is money. So how the Hell are you going to have time to cultivate and nurture your personal relationships? If you figure it out, let me know.

So yeah, you’re free of the corporate chains, so to speak. You make your own decisions, schedule and workspace. You work with the people you choose. You get a mug that says “World’s Best Boss” just like Michael Scott. But good lord does it come with a price.

I can’t stress this enough: you either need it, or you leave it. And if you leave it, you don’t ever look the fuck back.







Lunchbox Technologies

ceo & co-founder @lunchboxtech / former cmo @bareburger / immigrant