Development Update — 11th Aug, 2017

Rocket Pool Dev
Rocket Pool
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2017
Rocket Pool — Next Generation Ethereum Proof of Stake Pool

Good day fellow Rocket Poolers! The past two weeks have been very productive with the Sale Agent token distribution platform undergoing professional auditing as of the start of this week. This audit also includes the presale and crowdsale token distribution contracts for RPL and is expected to be completed mid to late next week. Pending the results of these audits, the announcement of the RPL token presale will occur about 3–4 weeks after to allow for some promotion and any other minor changes that need to be made to the contracts as a result of the audit. Expect the presale to occur early to mid September at this stage.


While the contracts for the presale are undergoing auditing, work has started on the Rocket Pool website presale page which will include full functionality for MetaMask, Mist, Parity and any other Ethereum browser. Just load the page and select the account that was used for your presale registration (not available yet) and you will automatically see your allocation set in ether and be given the option to send exactly that amount from your account, easy!

View animation of account selection process

Of course if you don’t have any of these services available, you can simply load the page in any normal web browser, agree to required presale conditions, then the contract address for the presale will be displayed for you. From then you can simply use any wallet with your presale account to send ether to the contract address and you will receive your presale tokens instantly. More details to come once the presale date is announced! Currently the token presale will only be available to citizens not in the USA or Australia due to regulatory uncertainty.

Current WIP Presale Page when not using an Ethereum browser


While the presale and crowdsale audits have been time consuming, development is still in full swing on Rocket Pools contracts. This week the upgrade process to being fully compatible with a much more modern release of Solidity (0.4.11) has started. This process has been completed on the two main contracts, RocketPool.sol and RocketHub.sol and will be extended out onto the rest of the contracts in the following week.

Other work has also begun on getting Rocket Pool ready for the release of Metropolis. This new version of Ethereum will see several new opcodes added that will make several major optimisations finally possible with Rocket Pool. These new opcodes are RETURNDATASIZE and RETURNDATACOPY which will allow contracts to send variable length data between them, something sorely needed by Solidity developers who work with multiple contracts that need to talk to each other and Rocket Pool fits this perfectly due to being fairly modularised. These optimisations should have a big effect in reducing gas needed for our smart nodes to checkin with the main contract every 15 mins to report on their server load, launch any awaiting minipools and more.

Status Interview

David the creator of Rocket Pool, was interviewed by Status last week. Contains info about how he got started in the industry and some insights into Rocket Pool.

Rocket Pool Contact

If you’re new to Rocket Pool or have any questions, we invite you to please checkout our website and contact us there or join our slack chat group to get all news and updates before they are posted anywhere else.

