Using Rocketbook in College

Maggie Robbins
Rocketbook For Educators
2 min readJan 13, 2020

by Ian Burress

Going to college can be a bit overwhelming at times with all the notetaking required as well as losing track because of how overwhelming all the potential classes are. However, I can contribute a lot of my success to a single notebook this past semester. Rocketbook is a wonderful thing that I have been able to use in the past two years. I originally had backed the Rocketbook Core on Kickstarter in high school because it had seemed like such a good idea. Unfortunately, that book got lost; however, when in my first semester in college, I joined a club for engineers for a greener Earth. It came back up as one of the most necessary tools for reducing paper consumption, so I ordered the Rocketbook Fusion that night off Amazon. Within the next month, I had adapted my entire day to be run using this notebook. From the month calendar to the two-week planner, I have yet to forget an assignment that I wrote in my Rocketbook.
Before I used the Rocketbook I would always lose notes or not be able to find the specific page I needed. After I bought one, I was able to find a page by labeling the scan the chapter number, and it made studying for exams and quizzes much easier. While I am a student, I am also a tutor for a variety of subjects, and I use my Rocketbook to walk them through problems, and then they scan the page that we did the work on so they have it in the event they are struggling after our session with similar problems. The Rocketbook Fusion is great to have, and I think every college student that takes a lot of notes should have one. I recently also purchased the Rocketbooks newest products, the Beacons. Originally I thought these would be no different than taking pictures of the whiteboards after I had finished doing a sketch or drawing from the professor. However, then I recalled how much I had actually used those pictures I took of a whiteboard, it was almost never. Those pictures since they were on my phone and not with the rest of my study materials never got used and just got deleted at the end of the semester. Using Beacons meant that I could put these images with my other study materials/notes for the class, and it also meant when studying, I don’t have to look at my phone and possibly get distracted while I am supposed to be studying. Overall I think Rocketbook products are pretty useful for students in upper education for its cheap price and convenience and can contribute not only better study habits but a greener Earth with its ability to be reused a near-infinite number of times.



Maggie Robbins
Rocketbook For Educators

Education Advisor for Rocketbook — Middle School STEM Teacher