Bjorn Niclas
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2021


Greetings, fellow ROCKSTARS

For those unaware of the matter at hand, on Saturday, July 10th, 2021, at 20:47 UTC:

One of our $ROCKS token bridge partners, Chainswap, suffered an exploit, and as a result, 1,011,996 $ROCKS tokens were stolen from users using the bridge by a Hacker. When users bridge tokens, they lock tokens in the smart contract, which suffered the exploit.

Please note, this was not a vulnerability on the ROCKI platform or our own smart contracts, but within ChainSwap itself, a system used to bridge tokens between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

In order to prevent the Hacker from profiting on this exploit and dumping the stolen tokens on the open market (at the expense of all of our wonderful backers), we immediately contacted all the centralized exchanges, who had listed $ROCKS to freeze deposits and withdrawals. Furthermore, we swiftly removed and froze the liquidity that other community backers and we had provided on the decentralized exchanges, Uniswap, Pancake, and Burger swap as well.

This swift action by our Team has essentially blocked the Hacker from selling any of his stolen tokens on the open market, which is certainly a big win for all of us. Our platform ROCKI, and your tokens on the platform and/or in your own external wallets were never in danger of being compromised. Those funds are SAFE. Protecting our community backers is always the outmost priority and importance to us.

Moving forward, we’ve taken the executive decision to re-issue a new cryptocurrency token for the ROCKI project.

We will airdrop 1:1 new $ROCKI tokens (New Token name) to all previous $ROCKS holders. A snapshot of the block has been recorded pre-hack. This includes $ROCKS holders on the exchanges, where $ROCKS were traded. All previous $ROCKS holders and LPs, pre-hack, have been snapshotted. All the liquidity will also be re-added and provided once again.

Please DO NOT buy or sell the currently traded $ROCKS tokens, as you most likely will only enrich the Hacker himself who will be looking to dump his stolen tokens any chance he gets, despite our Team making that very hard or nearly impossible for him to do.

While this is certainly inconvenient for everybody, least of all our amazing backers of the project, we felt this is the best option for the project and our backers in an unfortunate event like this.

The new $ROCKI tokenomics will match the original $ROCKS token, 1:1, and we will make an announcement on our Medium, Twitter, and our Telegram group once it’s fully executed next week.

Last, the airdrop will be automatic to everyone’s wallets and exchange accounts, so there is no action needed from anyone at this time.

We want to thank our fantastic community for their patience, positivity, and trust during this time. Once we’re done with the process, everything will be business as usual in the ROCKI protocol, and we’re about to release some new game-changing features, such as the Staking for Artist feature, Credit/Debit card payment option for Music NFT’s (making it more mainstream) with our new wallet partner Blocto, and the KYC and DiD integration with our digital identity and security partner Ontology that should propel the project to the next level 🚀🚀🚀

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at the below contact information.



