ROCKI partners with ColdStack Storage Aggregator

James Taylor
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2022

ROCKI Music Platform Integrates ColdStack Storage Aggregator

We have some news that will be music to your ears! ROCKI, a leader in the NFT music industry, is planning to utilize ColdStack’s AI-based Web3 cloud aggregator in order to help store the many awesome tracks which make up the ROCKI marketplace. As a project born on blockchain, we are keen to work with other organizations which also utilize cryptocurrency as a key part of their infrastructure, with a commitment to decentralization.

“We really love what ROCKI is doing for musicians. NFTs really have the potential to transform the music industry, and it’s very exciting for us to be able to help in that effort by making it easier for artists to take greater ownership of their work through ROCKI” said Alexander Shishow, CEO of ColdStack.

One for the Money

The ROCKI platform’s integration of ColdStack helps in two main areas; Coldstack’s cloud aggregator is able to drive down storage costs for the project, and we are able to store all of ROCKI’s data in a more secure, sustainable, manner. ROCKI’s mission to empower artists through their platform makes using ColdStack’s decentralized infrastructure a great way for them to take greater ownership of their data.

By aggregating the many decentralized storages which are currently on the market, ColdStack is able to more efficiently store the different files which are needed to run the ROCKI platform. For example, song and album files could be most effectively stored on one cloud, whereas data regarding customer purchase information may be best stored on an alternative service. With all data being different, it makes sense that every file has a different way to be stored in the most optimal fashion.

Two for the Show

Perhaps more importantly, utilizing ColdStack for data storage makes the ROCKI platform more secure. Centralized servers such as Amazon and Microsoft where most media projects end up hosting their data, simply do not have the concerns of artists in mind and are willing to take down one’s work if it runs afoul of local censorship laws or if an erroneous contention is made regarding the work’s legitimacy or ownership.

ROCKI has implemented NFT infrastructure into their platform to help combat such issues which have plagued the music industry for ages, allowing songs and albums published through the platform to be coupled with immutable provenance of their origin. However, to better guarantee the sustainability of the platform, and to decouple themselves from the whims of centralized giants, ROCKI has further bolstered their system with their plans to integrate ColdStack’s storage aggregator. ColdStack is undoubtedly the best way for any project to store their NFTs, allowing for additional immutability and security through the platform’s ability to utilize multiple DSNs at the same time.

ROCKI is a music streaming service and digital payments ecosystem designed to solve some of the music industry’s most fundamental problems. It is the first platform that rewards both the artists for their streams, and the listeners for listening. ROCKI allows artists to earn the ROCKI cryptocurrency for their streams, coupled with the world’s first hybrid subscription model in both fiat and crypto utilizing a user-centric payment system that pays the majority of the subscription revenue from a listener directly to the artists they are streaming.

About ColdStack

ColdStack is the first project to offer a single entry point to any Web3 clouds such as Filecoin Arweave, and Storj, optimizing the final costs for consumers with our proprietary AI-based pipeline. Much like how Uber supplies clients with rides and deliveries from a huge pool of drivers, or how 1inch sources liquidity from a number of different exchange pools, ColdStack supplies its users with the most convenient and cost-effective way to access storage space from any Web3 cloud. ColdStack is the only way to easily store files, NFTs, videos and more across multiple decentralized storage networks, or to duplicate and store files on multiple Web3 clouds at the same time.

Encore, Encore!

In 2022, one of the main goals of ColdStack is to facilitate as many integrations as possible. Driving adoption is undoubtedly a necessary part of the project, and is a vital part of growing the platform both in the short and long term. The integration launched by ROCKI is intended to be just the tip of the iceberg regarding our wider collaboration effort. As indicated by this integration, ColdStack is poised to see a great deal of usage with the rise of NFT technology as an infrastructure solution from everything to music, gaming and even personal identification. Just like ROCKI, all these industries will need to store their data somewhere, and ColdStack can help accomplish this in the most affordable and secure manner.

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