Redesigning the first-time home buying experience — a Homluv Case Study

Sam Saenz
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2021


See how the digital UX design team at Rocksauce made it happen.


The Rocksauce team was challenged to redesign the home buying experience from the inside out, that is, from the interior to the exterior for the real estate site Homluv. Plus, simplify the new home buying process overall.


When it comes to home buying, buyers tend to do two basic things. They either mindlessly search MLS databases or leave their fate up to a realtor. Sometimes, after endlessly searching for the home of their dreams to no avail, they’ll settle for a place even though it doesn’t quite align with their lifestyle.

That’s because the home market sells from the outside in which makes it harder for potential homebuyers to imagine themselves actually living day-to-day life in a listed home. This traditional exterior to interior way of home buying also generally lacks a way for the homebuyer to identify home preferences and organize them in a concise and shareable way i.e. with builders. Homeluv, however, wanted to be the exception to these inefficient ways of home buying.



Sam Saenz

UX Content Designer (, Travel & Food Writer (, and NLP (mindset) practitioner in Miami, Florida.