Behind the scenes of Ethereum #2: Tracability and interoperability

Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020

Rockside interview with Arthur Micoulet, Head of Blockchain at PALO IT

In order to build the best transaction relayer at Rockside, we have interviewed the real ethereum users. Corporates, startups, and consulting companies from different sectors agreed to share with us their day to day challenges of building on ethereum. Here is what we learned from them!

Arthur Micoulet, Head of Blockchain at Palo IT

Rockside: First, can you please introduce to us what you do at PALO IT?

Arthur Micoulet: PALO IT is a global innovation consultancy and agile software development company dedicated to helping organizations embrace tech and innovation. We created the blockchain practice about a year ago to accompany our customers on the implementation of blockchain solutions.

We mostly work on ethereum and are doing some research on cross-chain interoperability and particularly on witness networks The idea of a witness network is to have another blockchain that listens to what is happening on two different channels. It ensures that cross-chain exchanges work well, without double-spending for instance.

R: What kind of blockchain use cases do you see the most?

AM: There are very interesting uses-cases related to traceability. It can be about food, luxury items, or even documents. One example of a project we have done is a photograph reselling platform on ethereum where a user can add a copyright to the photograph. It is very useful for second-hand reselling for a photographer. In the luxury area, we have worked on object traceability to ensure the originality of the object throughout its life. I am also very interested in DEFI. It is very disruptive and I think banks are not going to lead the movement.

There are a lot of constraints when using a blockchain in regards to security and private keys. I really believe in the strength of gas relayers to ensure smooth usage and get rid of wallet concerns.

Photo by Samson on Unsplash

R: How do you see the future in terms of protocols?

AM: I see most requests on Ethereum and an upward trend on Tezos. Actually, each protocol has its features and thus its preferred use-cases or industries. For example, most DEFI projects are using Ethereum while most traceability platforms are running on Hyperledger or on private blockchains. And it is also our role at PALO IT to guide our customers towards the right protocol depending on the usage. I don’t see one big winner, in the end, I think we will have to make bridges and find interoperability solutions.

R: Lastly, what is for you the killer app?

AM: It is hard to find a use case that would be really mainstream because the blockchain does not solve everything! But I would say that cryptocurrencies topics have a lot of potential in countries that deal with high inflation rates. In this case, the killer app could be a simple wallet that enables users to invest, pay, and find stability where the currency does not bring it.

Rockside is the platform for integrating blockchain in any business. Through a simple and reliable transaction relayer API, Rockside makes sure transactions are executed on time at the best price. The service is fully non-custodial to benefit from the full advantage of blockchain technology. Thanks to Rockside, companies can scale their projects getting rid of complex development and infrastructure.

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