Introducing Rockside Cloud: Simple, reliable, and scalable access to Ethereum networks

Vincent Le Gallic
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2019


If you have followed our adventure from the beginning you know that we believe in the potential of decentralized systems. Blockchain technology is a unique opportunity to build a better Internet. We develop Rockside to simplify the use of this technology and thus contribute to its adoption in the corporate world.

This main objective led us to offer our product on premises and free of charge for a period of 6 months to better understand market expectations.

Since launching Rockside on premise at the EthCC 2019, we collected a lot of feedback. On the one hand, we got positive feedbacks from large groups which installed the on premises version and maintain it by their qualified team (such as DevOps profile).

On the other hand, the small teams projects are looking for quick solution to develop their applications. The initial synchronisation duration and storage requirements of the on premises version might be expensive and painful to maintain for them.

This is why we develop a new version more accessible.

The cloud version of Rockside meets the needs of users who want to use our product immediately, without spending time building a reliable infrastructure right from the start of their application.

The ability to simply switch to an on-premises version of Rockside protects them from too much dependency on a specific third party or cloud provider.

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Rockside Cloud version meets the expectations of startups and developers who are looking for a simple and reliable solution to faster develop their applications on Blockchain.

The on-premises version is being deeply improved to answer critical production problems. Delivering transactions with extreme reliability is an exciting challenge: there are issues of performance, transaction cost optimization, security and scalability. To achieve this goal, we support several clients in the finance sector, including a large international bank. Many prototypes are reaching maturity and now require technical solutions to be launched in Production, Rockside has been created for this!

Here’s an overview of Rockside Cloud features.

Start building on Blockchain… Now!

Anyone is able to run an Ethereum node on their computer. This means that you can participate in validating transactions and blocks on the Ethereum blockchain. But depending on the type of node and hardware specification, the initial syncronization time and storage requirements vary, and this can quickly become very expensive and painful to maintain.

Rockside-Cloud hosts and maintains nodes for its users. Using the Blockchain becomes as simple as using an API. If you are a Dapp developer, the interaction with the Blockchain via Rockside-Cloud is transparent. Rockside-Cloud exposes a fully compliant JSON RPC API.

In addition, through a graphical user interface in a web browser, you can create your own blockchain network (consortium) and monitor your transactions.

Build on the Public Ethereum Network

Rockside-Cloud maintains synchronized nodes to several networks including the Public Ethereum Network, also called “Mainnet”. Others test networks are also available.

For each network, an API endpoint (url) is provided to execute RPC methods.

You can test a JSON-RPC Method in the command line using CURL. For example, to get the number of the last block, you can execute the following command:

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_blockNumber", "id": 67}' "{token}"

// Result

Before sending transactions to your own Rockside Cloud Gateway, you need to create and sign them offline. Rockside Cloud never has access to your private key. All transactions made through your RPC endpoint are visible in your Dashboard. An address decoration feature improves readability.

Create your own Network

A Consortium Blockchain refers to a blockchain with consensus procedures controlled by preset nodes. Using Rockside Cloud, it takes less than 5 minutes to have a consortium up and running.

The generation of the Genesis file is very simple thanks to the graphical user interface. Once started, you can immediately use your Network with a Faucet system and a Block Explorer.

To access the public network and create a consortium blockchain:

👉 Sign up for Rockside Cloud Free🌥️*

* Do not forget to give us feedback, it’s our fuel to move forward!

Because “to build high, you must dig deep” we work on a long-term strategy. Mission, Values, Culture, the whole team is preparing for rapid growth. We are always open to welcoming new talents to meet our ambitious challenges: Connecting Businesses to Blockchain technologies to build a new economic system, fairer, more open and secure. Does this inspire you? To join us is simple, send us a message and we will be happy to exchange with you.

Stay tuned! Technical articles, user interview, conferences, partnerships, we will very soon communicate on customer cases and announce Strategic partnerships.

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