Introducing Rocky AI — your pocket leadership coach.

We help individuals to commit to becoming exceptional leaders.

We all strive to be a leader or a high performer. Whether you are a freelancer, manager or member in a team, you want to lead your situations and solve problems. As leaders, we sometimes ask ourselves this imperative question: How do we develop our leadership skills to become successful leaders? There are many materials available, but how do you practice the learnings in your day-to-day routine?

Leadership is a habitual work. A researcher at Duke University found that more than 40 percent of the actions performed by people each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits. When you rise in the morning, you determine nearly half of your day by the patterns you’ve either intentionally created or passively allowed.

The answer lies in setting the right intentions every morning and practicing reflections so that you can proactively improve your leadership skills with the power of your mind. It can be done by journaling daily on a diary, but it is static and not interactive enough for some people.

How can Rocky AI help you?


Rocky is an AI leadership coach. Rocky is a conversational AI that asks you the right questions, gives supports to help you become more self-aware and mindful about how you spend your day and interact with your team.

With Rocky AI, leaders can do daily primings & reflections from conversations with Rocky AI to practice:

  1. clarity and priority
  2. communication and people skills
  3. balance and confidence

Why these three topics?

Since we joined the Techstars Accelerator program, we have spoken to startup founders and high-potential freelancers and found out that leaders commonly have challenges in the three aforementioned areas. Interestingly, one of our cofounder Harry Novic participated in a closed workshop for experienced leaders where the leaders shared their stories and challenges, and even their challenges are related to the above topics mentioned.

Rocky AI Closed Beta Testing

This week, we started inviting some early adopters to join our closed beta to test Rocky AI. Our current Beta users are from the UK, US, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and Norway and they are C-level startup executives, corporate leaders, and high potential freelancers.

For what did these people sign up?

· 70% for priority and clarity

· 40% for communication and people skills

· 50% for balance and confidence

Maximize human potential with AI

Rocky AI was created by Rocky Robots team with a purpose to maximize human potentials with technology. We have a deep passion for leadership development for everyone and building products that can empower the young high potentials and help you to succeed.

Harry Novic (left): Before Rocky Robots, Harry was in a sales leadership position training, coaching and managing teams across the Asia Pacific for a leading German automation firm. He is passionate about people and change management and supporting others to achieve their goals.

Join our private beta

If you are reading this, you are already committing yourself to become an exceptional leader. Be part of this journey by signing our private beta at ROCKY.AI.

